The Last Shock

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Rahul's POV

I took her laptop and plugged it in. I thought there would be numerous files but there were only two.
Named :
'pictures' and 'videos'

What must be inside it? I wonder. I looked at Yami. She was still nervous. From the day I came to Paris I have been asking the second question to everyone which I was going to ask.

"What's wrong Yami? " I asked. She wanted to answer Mr badly but could not. Her lips moved but no sound came out.

"Come on! Tell me" I forced her . She kept silent for two to three minutes and before I could open my mouth the third time she spoke up.

"Kl...this is a very personal prndrive of Shruti...she did not want you to see it until it was time to...she knew that you were coming to Paris...Alia told her..she warned me that you should not see it before she comes back...I was going to hide it from you.." Yami answered. What could have been so secret in it?

I ignored Yami's request and clicked on the 'pictures' folder.

"Kl...please" she requested me. I ignored her yet again. The first picture was her and me in childhood days. Yeah we knew each other since we were two.

The second one was she and me in our engagement. I had a really sour face because at that time I thought I was being forced to marry her. I sighed.

Tears dropped from my eyes again. I looked at Yami.  "Why didn't she want me to see these sweet moments?" I asked her.

Yami bit her lip. "There are more to it.." she said. I looked down and saw more.

Our first kiss...when I realized moving on from Shraddha was really vital...I could not let her ruin my life anymore.
That moment was relieving. U understood there were more people who could take care of me.....

Yami was right...I was feeling even more guilty see these...I let the magical moments of my life go...skip away from my hand like sand .

"Kl...don't see more" she warned me. Do you really think Yami I am gonna stop?.

The next picture was the 'SK♥' . She took the picture of that too. Oh my God! She was mad for me. This must have hurt her a lot! But she never told me...and I like a selfish person did not ask her either.

Next one was I proposing her in Australia. That was cute. I had nothing to say about that moment beacsue now it does not count.

My hand were paining . I put it on autoplay. I looked at Yami who was still nodding her head in the negetive direction. My eyebrows furrowed.

I concentrated on the screen and the next picture was....wait what? They ultrasounds? Ultrasounds?

I paused the autoplay. I looked at Yami now with firce eyes. "This was what you did not want me to see?" I asked.

"What are these...Yami...don't tell it was hers!" I asked. Yami nodded.

"She...was...three months gone" Yami told me. I could not tolerate the fact. I charged striaght to her and caught her by her shoulders. "Tell me you are joking Yami! Tell me you are joking!" I shook her violently by her shoulders.

She hung her head down and moved it in the negetive direction. "No...Kl...I am not joking! She...really...was pregnant!" Yami told me.

I don't believe my ears....I want to cut them off. "Why didn't anyone tell me! Why? Why did all of you kept a secret?"

"She told me...she would te you what could I have done?!" Yami shouted at me. She was right. None of us had imagined this would happen. I left her and went to the pictures. The ultrasounds.....

I recalled the she was talking to for the last time.

"I have two great news for you"

She was going to tell me! She was going to tell me that I was going to become a father.....She was going to tell me!

Yami hugged me to calm me down. "Calm down's okay...." She was sobbing like anything.

I pushed her away. "NOTHING CAN BE RIGHT YAMI! NOTHING! NOTHING MEANS NOTHING! I LOST MY CHILD YAMI....I LOST BOTH OF THEM...I KOST BOTH OF THEM!!!" I slammed the laptop on the floor breaking it. The glasses were all over the floor.

"Kl!" Yami came to be. She tried to rub my tears but I pushed her away. "'s not your just wasn't your in destiny...calm down..." I could see fear in her eyes that what if I do something to myself.

I pushed her away. "People determine their own destiny with there actions! Yami....." I dropped on my knees.

"We could have been a happy family....I could have held my little boy or my arms...I could taught him or her cricket....I lost both of them..." I burried my face in my arms.

Yami lowered dwon to my position patting my back. "Kl ..forget what have happened...we can start a new life..."

"No no...never! How can I forget Shruti and start a new life? Impossible!" I retorted. Yami sighed.

"Don't be a fool need to start a new life! For your good! For auntie's and uncle's good!" She said.

I nodded my head violently.

"If I move on....I won't share any relation with Shruti....I can't let that happen! I can't let that happen!"

"She is dead Kl! She is dead! You understand! She is dead!!! You will never meet her will never be able to call her by her name again..she will never respond to your call again...because she is dead!" Yami tried to put that thing in my head. She held me by my collars and shook me violently.

"Please Yami...don't do...this...I can't earse Shruti from my life...please don't do this!!" I tried to loosen her grip but it was tight and determined.

Both of us gave up. Yami hugged me and I hugged her back. I cried terribly against her. Maybe like there was no tomorrow. I would have been the gladest person if there wouldn't have been any tomorrow for me....

But there was a long was through.....and I needed to  johrnedy it.. with a broken heart a broken soul...and Yami's words in my ears...

"She can always be there in your heart...but she shouldn't be there in your mind....."


(A/N: The story is finally finished! Really emotional day for me! My first completely published story on Wattpad. I want to thank the readers who have tolerated this story so far, given it good wishes and have made it a part of their library or reading list...Love you all💘. Wish me luck for my next stories!)

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