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Shruti's POV

After a long time I had seen Kl this happy. The last birthday we had together was horrible. Kl was so depressed at that time. He seems to forget the incidents slowly. I am happy about that.

I was feeling extremely bad for Kl's mom and dad. I was the one to call them but Kl was enjoying with his friends. I had to give his proxy. Talking with Kl's mom and dad was not so bad. They had good humor and were not acting like the old boring people.

Bhavna di was with me. She had taken the responsibility to help me. Kl had hundreds and thousands of people to help him. I envy him for this.

"So..when are going back to Paris?" Asked Rajeshwari auntie. She made me remember that I did not take a leave I was supposed to work from home. "In a month" I replied. I would have to complete my work at night. I huffed. I was missing Kl. I wanted to be with him for the whole day but was stuck here.

" can go.." the words literally shook me. I looked at her for confirmation. "Excuse me?" I asked as a reflex. She laughed seeing my face. Oh god I must me looking like a person who had just received an electric shock. "I know you desperately want to go there you can go.." there was a slight teasing accent in her voice. But she was correct. I desperately wanted to go there. Note.. desperately! I hugged her tightly. "Thank you..." I did not rush but my heart was rushing. It was embaressing.

I entered the room and the first thing which I felt was the room temperature had fallen considerably. I looked around and saw the air conditioner switched on to the lowest point.

As I moved further I heard the giggles from the room. Then my eyes fell on the beer bottles. I had brought 40. There were three left. I moved further like a detective examining a crime scene.

The laughter grew more as I entered. What I saw made me almost puke. Almost everyone was rolling on the ground drunk. Literally drunk. Virat was sober enough to talk sense. The girls were...uh..more or less okay...where was Kl?

I was going to turn around to leave when I stamped on someone's leg and crashed against a heavy built chest. "Shruti?!" He called out. I looked at him. Anger rose through my veins.

"What are all of you doing? Kl it's not even night and you all are almost drunk! You have your parents at home come on!" I said. Then I saw some lemons in his hand. "Ab yeh kya hain?" (Now what is this?) I asked.

"To make them back to normal." He said. I rolled my eyes. The smell was awful. I could not take the smell of beer anyways and those were the combine smell of thirty seven bottles. I covered my mouth with a hand and rushed to the washroom.

I splashed my face with some water. Kl came to me. "Fine?" He asked. I nodded. He rubbed my back. From the corner of my eyes I could see Hardik talking nonsense. I wanted to leave. My Kl hangover was over.

"I am better outside" I said and left. I never ever knew that cricketers could drink so much. Kl did not stop me he knew how much I hated that smell. The atmosphere seemed to relax after an hour. At last when it was eleven I was glad all of them had left. No offense but still it was too much specially with Hardik speaking those non sense things.

Kl came back after finishing his good friend and good teammate job. The first thing I told him was "Go and get a shower" he shrugged and went inside.

I was opening my earrings when I remembered something. I had forgotten my lingeries inside the washroom. My cheeks turned red. I knew Kl would never ever overlook it.
I was gone.

Pyaar ka fuel Dostiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें