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Persephone Greene

          For the most part, the doctor's visit was uneventful. I would no longer be taking my medications for the remainder of the pregnancy. Other than this, Dr. Melrose told me about how more information could be given to me at my next appointment in three weeks, and I could have my first ultrasound, called a sonogram. I wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat until week 12. I was a lot more at peace with everything happening. The doctor informed me of 'other options' like abortion and adoption, but I had already made many mistakes once before. I wanted to keep my baby from the moment I knew about the baby.

          Now, I was at the laundromat. I had three loads of clothes to do. It was finally Saturday, the day I closed the shop early. I hummed, a habit, as I put the clothes in the washing machine, getting distracted at every single detail or memory that came from the clothing. Without my medication, this pregnancy would be a whole ride. I swayed my hips around a little bit as I put clothes in the washing machine, Tinashe blasting through my headphones as I gripped the next item.

          It was a long grey trench coat, something I had worn a while I guessed. Recently it had been very hot. I searched through the pockets, my eyebrows furrowing as I inspected the contents. My favorite pair of pearl earrings and red lipstick. I hadn't worn red lipstick since...I began to look through the rest of the contents, and on the inside pocket, I found something that stopped me dead in my tracks. A thick, matte black card with gold engraving on one side and pure white on the other. Blackwell Incorporations, the card read, and on the back, a message that causes the coat to slip out of my fingers and land on my feet.

Had a great time tonight, call me sometime?

(555) 713-0001

- Oliver Blackwell

          My fingers began to shake and my hands quivered, suddenly I remembered a lot. The well-dressed man and I tucked away in a corner of the vendor, laughing and talking intently as we drank glass of wine after glass of wine. Us, stumbling out and laughing loudly. Him, asking me back to his hotel. Me, agreeing. Then, the memories are a little hazy and end with me waking up alone.

          I quickly shoved the rest of the clothes into the machine and hitting Tatiana's contact on my phone. She, again, picked up on the third ring as I continued to stare and reread the message he had left on the back of the card. "Hello? Seph? What's up!"

          "Tatiana, I know who the baby daddy is and you are never going to believe it."

          "Where are you? I am on the way. Prepare to meet all three of my kids. Text me the address." Click. The phone call ended.

           Twenty minutes later, I was propped up against the washing machine, tapping my foot steadily and biting my nails, still staring at the card in my hand. Tatiana entered the laundromat with few cares, Jamele on her hip, Zaniya, and Taheem clutching the fabric of her sweatshirt. Upon seeing her, I threw my arms around her neck. "Tatiana!"

           "Oh, oh my. Okay, uh, this is Jamele, Zaniya, and Taheem. Say hello to Ms. Greene."


          "Hello, Ms. Greene."


          "Alright, who is the baby daddy?"

          "...Oliver Blackwell...?" I replied hesitantly, waving at her children awkwardly before glancing upward at Tatiana's face. She blinked once, twice, trice, her mouth opening and shutting in shock. "I know! Crazy, right?"

          "Crazy? Crazy? You hooked up with and conceived a whole child with a billionaire. That's more than crazy! When you shoot for something you really do go big or go home! What in the world! Seph! How could you forget that?"

          "I drank a lot, he drank a lot. We were drunk."

           "How you know it was him?" She asked, cocking her brow up before I showed her the card in my hands. Her eyes widened before she looked at me real hard and smiled. "Well, I guess we found somebody who likes your mean muggin' chocolate, huh?"

          I laughed at that. "I don't think so, I guess he just enjoyed himself."

          "If a man does a one-night stand, he stands up and leaves as quick as possible. He does not take the time to write a little note with a question mark to see you again. Have you called him?"

          "What? No! He is a billionaire. I highly doubt he wants to see me. It's been weeks! I'm sure that he has moved on. He probably has so much to worry about, adding a baby would be messy." I stated, nodding at my own exclamation.

          "If I was not holding Jamele right now, I would rearrange your face. Girl! He made a baby with you. A baby. I don't care how he feels. The baby is his and your responsibility. Now, I am going to pretend you didn't just-Jamele stop pulling Mommy's hair, Zaniya stop hittin' on Taheem, Taheem if you don't stop makin' fun of Zaniya's hair I'mma shave ya' head-what was I sayin'? Oh, yeah, I'mma pretend you didn't just try to make excuses for this man. Now, do ya' laundry and go home and call that man."

          "But I don't know him!"

           "Oh, but you do." She said, wiggling her eyebrows before turning back to Zaniya. "Listen to me, if you don't stop I am going to tear that tail up right here, right now. Ya' hear me?"

           "Yes, ma'am."

            "Good." She said before turning back to me, smiling. "Alright, go home and call him. If you don't, I will mess up every order we get for the next three weeks."

           "And I'll fire you, anyways, yeah. I guess you're right. I should call him."

          "That's right. I gotta go, my auntie gon' do Zaniya's hair while I go grocery shopping. Call me later!"

          And with that, she was gone.

          Now, I was laid back on my bed, thumb hesitantly hovering over the call key. I thought not knowing the daddy was hard, but when you find out he is a highly successful businessman? It was extremely scary. I still couldn't believe it, I had been with Oliver Blackwell. The Oliver Blackwell. He was in the magazines everywhere you looked like the youngest and most successful bachelor in the New York City area. He was rarely seen with any women, kept his love life private from the world. He helped the business grow, which seemed nearly impossible before. It was one of the most influential software companies in the world. Little was known about Oliver's life besides he was elite.

          It was sad I couldn't remember anything from our talks besides feeling accepted and...warm almost. Like warm and fuzzies sprouting inside of me. Ugh! This is so difficult! I pulled my lower lip into my mouth and bit down hard before pressing the call button, finally. The call went to voicemail, figures, it was already midnight. "This is Oliver Blackwell, leave your name and number at the beep and I will be sure to get back to you." His voice filtered through my room and my heart stuttered. Woah, his voice sounds...great. Soon after, a beep filled the silence.

          "Hi, Oliver, I-I mean, Mr. Blackwell, I-uh, I don't know." I internally cringed. "Ohmigosh, I'm so stupid." I murmured. "Anyways, this is Persephone? I don't know if you remember, but, I'm the girl from the small business expo and ball you hosted a few weeks ago. I finally found your note, uh, yeah. Anyways, bye!"

          With that, I hung up and cringed outwardly.

          I hope he doesn't listen to his personal voicemails.

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