163AG Winter

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A year passed since the two youngest Beifong girls began airbending. Seven-year-old Jiexue was getting braver and braver every day, trying new tricks and forms she saw in the scrolls she transcribed and traced. It was endless. Every day began with meditation with Mom and Xiaoyu or just Xiaoyu when Mom slept in late. It continued with copying a new scroll then practicing forms for an hour, then sparring with Huifan and Hungjian for a few more hours. Xiaoyu never sparred. The five-year-old practiced forms, but refused to spar. Her gentle heart didn't have the capacity for necessary violence, very much like Jinkun. She did like to watch though when they played in the arena or the garden. Other times, she just meditated or went on walks around the border of the estate.


One day, three old men arrived at the Beifong Estate with black traveling cloaks over their Order of the White Lotus uniform robes.

"We are here to speak with the Lady Lin Beifong." the man in the middle informed the young Captain of the Guard, Peng.

"Did you have an appointment?" Peng asked the old man.

"We are the grand masters of the Order of the White Lotus. We don't need an appointment to see the Lady Beifong."

"She is at work. If the matter is urgent, I suggest you see her at the Police Headquarters,"

"We are perfectly fine waiting here for her to return," the Grand Lotus Member said attempting to pass Peng.

Two guards on the wall dropped a heavy iron grate over the giant dark oak gate to the property where the flying boar was carved and set in gold."If you try to cross the threshold of this property, we have no choice but to apprehend you, White Lotus or not," Peng warned them firmly as several other guards came to his aid.

"When will the Lady Beifong return?" the Grand Lotus demanded.

"That is not information we are allowed to disclose. Now, I must ask you to leave," Peng replied.

The old man looked up and saw two little pairs of green eyes peering over the wall.

They both vanished as soon as they noticed they were noticed.

The old man's eyes narrowed.

"We will be back later," the old man promised before leaving with his two comrades.


Lin Beifong stood in one of the many parlors of her grand estate, facing the three old men, her greatest enemies. She kept her uniform on specifically for this meeting to remind them just who it was that they were bothering.

"Shall we sit?" the oldest of the three men asked.

"You do not have the authority to invite yourselves to sit in my house, Gan," Lin replied halting the ancient man in his descent. He stood up again and nodded.

"Your children were seen today," the leader of the three said.

"Really, Daizo? By whom, may I ask?" Lin replied setting down her tea cup not wanting to break the fine porcelain if she did become angry.

"By me. They were peering over the wall."

Lin rolled her eyes.

"What does it matter if YOU see them? You already know they exist," Lin replied, her eyes narrowing.

"What if we weren't us but some solicitor, or weary traveler seeking refuge. NO ONE CAN KNOW about them!"

"You don't have to remind me," Lin replied folding her arms looking away.

"It has been four years..." Daizo began to say.

"-without incident, so WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Lin demanded impatiently wanting nothing more than to climb into bed with her babies, read them a story, and go to sleep.

"It has been four years and we were wondering, have Jiexue and Xiaoyu started bending?" Daizo asked.

Lin paused. If she said yes, they would ask which element. If she said no, maybe they would leave her alone.

"Your hesitation confirms the first question. Now for the second which element do they bend?" Daizo asked tilting his head, his eyes not leaving her troubled face.

"Why does it matter?! They're off the island! They're hidden! You have your wish!" Lin yelled at them, her brows furrowing in anger.

"They're airbenders?" Daizo asked.

"No!" Lin lied quickly.

"If they were earthbenders, you wouldn't have hesitated," Daizo explained. "You know, for the chief of police, you are a terrible liar."

"What do you care if they're airbenders now! It doesn't change anything! We can't go back-" Lin looked away again.

"We can take them. Pema and Tenzin could raise them as their own, they will learn proper airbending-" Daizo began to say. Before he could finish his sentence, an earthen hand had encircled his neck, and pinned him to the wall behind the couch.

Lin stood with both fists clenched by her sides, her nostrils flaring. "You will do no such thing. THEY'RE MINE!" .

"Miss Beifong," Gan said calmly.

"CHIEF Beifong to you," Lin snapped at the ancient Grand Lotus.

"Chief Beifong, we are only trying to do what is best for Master Tenzin and the Air Nation. If they don't learn proper technique, they could make disastrous mistakes as they grow powerful. Those mistakes will be noticed, and once word gets out that you have airbending children. people will begin to question the honor and loyalty of the last Airbender to his nation and the Air Acolyte Pema. We cannot have anyone against the Master."

"Honor? HIS HONOR? He was honorably married to ME until you BASTARDS sabotaged everything! What do you think will become of your honor if I speak?"

"What weight do the the words of the rash, temperamental daughter of Toph Beifong carry against us?" the third and thus far silent Grand Lotus asked.

Lin bit her tongue and blinked away tears of anger and frustration. She took a deep breath to reclaim her emotions and felt the steady rhythm of two pairs of little feet coming down one of the many secret passageways that winded through the house. "I suggest you leave now," Lin said releasing the leader of the rock hand around Daizo's throat.

"All we are trying to do is avoid scandal, Miss Beifong," Daizo replied.

"The only scandal is the one that YOU created!" Lin replied. "General Iroh, Master Piandao, King Bumi- they'd all roll over in their graves if they saw what you are doing. Even my blind mother would be able to see just how much you disgrace the uniform you wear. Now GET OUT!" Lin barked stomping the ground, sending a ripple through the earth, summoning her metalbending guards.

Captain Peng and a dozen of his subordinates marched in and herded the three Grand Masters of the White Lotus from the parlor, through the house and out the door.

A little hole opened in the wall of the parlor once they were out of range, and a thirteen year old Hungjian and twelve year old Huifan revealed themselves.

"Mama," they walked over and embraced Lin as she knelt down and cried.

"How much did you hear?" Lin asked stroking their faces, their soft cheeks and smooth, young skin.

"All of it," Hungjian replied.

"Seismic sense amplifies everything," Huifan explained.

Lin held them both in her arms. "You're all so big now, but still so small. I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Are they going to take Jiexue and Xiaoyu away?" Huifan asked.

"Of course not! I promise, I will never let them near ANY of you."

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