Chapter Twenty Three

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"Layla?" I called immediately after I reached home, "Carrie??" My voice was shaky but my reply was dead silence.

What should I do? I have to tell the cops immediately. I think I should go to their office, rather than calling them. I quickly rush to take my phone and purse, before darting out of the house.

I called a cab to the nearest cops center, throughout the ride, I couldn't think straight.

Did that man do this? Oh god. My Daisy, she must be crying so hard now. I wiped the tears that slipped out of my eyes.

I rushed out immediately after the cab stopped. Going in I knew this was a lot of processes. I sighed. I made a complaint and they had asked me where they had been last and where they were going to.

I gave them all the necessary information and just like that they had asked me to go home and relax. Relax? Seriously? Who would relax in a situation like this?

One Week Later:

It has been a week. A week since I last saw them. The people I love so much... They all leave me at the end.

Why? What did I ever do?

I can't believe this is happening, oh god. I wish I could just wake up and all this is just a dream. All this never happened.

But unfortunately, it wasn't. I was showing some people on the road their pictures if they have seen them.

No one saw them. It was probably six in the evening right now. I've been here since morning.

I was so exhausted, but I had to keep on searching. They were the only family I had left.

A car suddenly stopped in front of me. The door opened revealing Jack.

What does he want? I scowled. "What are you doing here? I told you, you could search for her on your own." I snapped. He had promised to help find Daisy. I didn't want his help, but again, what can I do?

"It's getting late, I think you should go home now, Lily." What? I turned my face the other way. "No. Thank you I would go home when I feel like it." I replied.

"Please Lily, I have hired some private investigators to search for them. I'm sure they would find them soon enough."

"Please." He continued. I still had to try looking for them right? I shouldn't stop looking. I would have ignored him if everywhere wasn't suddenly turning darker.

I slowly moved my legs, I went around the car, and he followed behind me, opening the car door. I sighed before slipping in.

Closing the door he went round the door to the driver's seat. We sat in silence. An nA uncomfortable silence.

This reminded me of those times, those times when we were happy together. Why was I even thinking about it?

The car stopped in front of my house, I quickly came out without waiting for him.

"Lily." I heard him call. "Is there anything I can help you with... Now?"

"No," I replied and continued walking back in, I locked the door immediately after I was in.


Third Person's POV:

"Is there any progress?" Paisley asked Jack who just got home.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked and Paisley rolls her eyes.

"I asked a question... first." She replied.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again like she hadn't said anything.

"I'm here to know if there's any progress between you and you know, so any progress."


"Why? You seriously have to try... You know what would happen if you don't..."

He drank from his bottle of wine. "She is the most difficult girl I have ever known, it takes time to break her."

"Ugh. What do we do?"

He didn't reply, he just raised an eyebrow.

If he tames Layla and Carrie a little bit more, she might break down and then he will have his chance with her.

"What about her sister and child, where are they?"

"She is fine."

"I know you, Jack, what did you do to her sister?"

Jack hadn't done anything to her and neither had he made sure she is fine. She wasn't even in the same place with Carrie.

"Drop it." He ordered. Paisley sighed frustratingly, she knew she couldn't get it out of him.

Daisy was with his mother, she was perfectly fine.


Lily sat on the ground next to the glass wall. She was crying so hard. She had lost everything. The house looked scattered and broken glasses almost midnight.

"Why did you all leave me?" She cried.

"What have I ever done to deserve this?! What did I do?!"

Lily POV:

Tears rushed out of my eyes. I've lost everything. Everything. I can't believe this. I noticed someone before me. A worried expression on his face.

He wasn't in any Suit this time. He looked so handsome...

Do you have to pick that out?! I screamed at my subconsciousness.


He bent down to my level, bringing me to his chest, I cried on it. This only made me cry harder.

"It's okay." He whispered. I sniffed. How did he get in here? Didn't I lock the door?

I pressed my head to his chest. It felt like a dream. He was here. "I lost everyone I love." I cried. "I am so careless."

"It wasn't your fault and no, you haven't lost anybody. We'd find them, I promise." He said wiping away my tears.

We'd find them, I promise.

I . I won't be able to live without them in my life.

The way he said it gave me a glimmer of hope.

I blacked out.

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