Chapter Twenty

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It felt like a dream. I can't believe this is happening. I was floating on cloud nine, hoping never to come down.

Soon we pulled away. His eyes were dark and beautiful... "So... What does this mean? Where does it take us to?"

"I don't know, what do you think?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

My heart was thumping.


After having an unbelievable romance with Xavier, he had left, i and Layla were busy packing our stuff. We were going back to the city.

Reason? Because he said I was owed him and he wasn't going to let me stay here. Don't ask me why.

That guy was unbelievable.

Daisy sat at the table eating her cheese, she looks so cute.

I wonder what Xavier would say to his mother, he now knows she was the one who did this. When I had told him earlier, an angry look passed through his handsome face.

Xavier likes me.

A blush crept to my face. But we are not going to stay at his place, I had told him I didn't want him to do such little things for me. Besides, I have got a little money, enough for me to rent a house and feed.

I looked at Layla, she looked nervous and... Scared?

"Layla." I touched her, and she looked shocked. Okay, something is happening. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nods her head, before going back to what she was doing. "Layla..."

"Leave me alone! I'm okay..." She screamed the first part and whispered the last part.

She isn't telling me something. Was she in trouble?

Soon we were done packing. We went out and stopped in a taxi, you know that house I was planning on renting before this incident? Well, that was where we were going.

Inside the taxi, Layla was glancing at her phone every 5 seconds.

The ride of course was long. Carrie had long fallen asleep... Including Layla.

Layla's phone buzzed, the temptation to look at it was so much. Should I look at it? No! It was wrong, then I remembered, she looked scared and worried whenever she glanced at her phone.

My hand slowly moved to take the phone. With shaky hands. But it has a password.

Ugh! I tried all the names I could think of but it didn't work. I looked at her, her hand wrapping around Carrie. Carrie.

I typed the name 'Carrie' and alas! It was it. I opened the message.

'I miss u, Layla, I cant wait to see u. Don't worry I won't be too rough on u.' What the hell?

'I never knew u had a twin sister, should I include her too? What the fuck am I saying? She is included in

'I see u like playing the hide and seek game, u can hide but u can't run from me, Layla.' Who was that guy, we need to call the cops, he was threatening her. I quickly brought out my phone taking the guy's contact.


Right now we were arranging our things in our new house. I got a call from Xavier asking if I was there yet. It felt weird. If you had told me about this some time ago, I wouldn't have believed it.

He was calling me every hour, doesn't he get tired, not that I wasn't happy about him calling me... I blush.

"Mommy, I saw a man outside."

This took Layla's attention, who would be here at this time, it was pretty late.

Is it that guy that was pestering Layla? A knock was heard from the door. Okay, we had to call the cops.

I reached for the counter trying to grab my phone when Layla stopped me.

"You can't call the cops." She said quickly. What?

"Please, don't get me in trouble." She continued. I don't understand anything but she seems to be in so much trouble, she was tense.

"Why Layla? Give me a valid reason why I shouldn't call the cops, for Christ's sake we're all in danger here." I just wanted to know why. I wanted to know everything.

"It's a long story." She finally gave in.

The knock on the door became persistent, I took the baseball bat from the corner, and with shaky legs reached the door and looked through the peephole. It was a man, probably in his forties.

He didn't seem to be a criminal... Should I open the door? And then there was a ding dong, maybe he just noticed the button.

If he was a criminal, he won't come in like this.

"Who is there?" I spoke through the cam recorder.

"Uh... Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but I came to deliver some papers, from the house owner."


I contemplated for some seconds, with the basketball bat in my right hand I opened the door with my left hand.

The man held out the papers giving them to me. "Thank you, ma'am." He walked off.

I closed the door. Going back to where Layla was. Her face held relief. She got some explaining to do.

"Layla, you have to tell me."

She sighed.

And slowly started telling her story.


After the accident occurred 8 years ago, she managed to escape from death. A man had helped her.

She thought the man was a good person who had saved her, but he had selfish reasons.

Just 6 months after her recovery he had tried to rape her, and she hit him with a lamp resulting in his death.

She ran away. There she met her long-term boyfriend, she would lure men and take their money, which was always shared between her and her boyfriend. 3years after, she wanted to break up with him but he wasn't going to let her and was threatening to expose her and her secrets.

End of story.

Wow. That was what that man has been threatening her for. I was going to ask her a question when the bell dinged.

Who would be here again?

I gulped and slowly walked to the door. I looked at the peephole.


How did she know I live here? She looked angry. "Open the door, you whore!"

Great, I just got here and I'm already making drama. I opened the door.

"What do you want?" I asked. She pounced on my dragging my hair.

She was crazy.

I pushed her off me, and of course, she came back.

"You're such a dirty slut! Is that what you're teaching your child? Stay away from Xavier."

And that's what this is all about.

"You're the one crazy here!" I retorted.

"You bitch! Stay away from him or I'll make your life hell!" She snarled.

Layla came behind me glaring at Paisley. "Oh look, it's the other slut, you animals!"

She is one crazy lady.

"Oh. I should probably tell you this." She said before we could reply.

"I'm pregnant, and it is Xavier's."

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