Please Let Us Help

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Sounds of rusty cogs and old pulleys filled my audio receptors as me and Grim walked through the spaceship-shaped entrance of the Scrapyard.

We had finished defeating the Sharkticon and had just arrived home, the sun already beginning to set when we walked in, just on time to hear an beginning conversation.

"Cadet Strongarm! You're alright!"

Fixit was wheeling up to my new scouts, Strongarm and Sideswipe. Looks like we had just missed their entrance. "Why wouldn't she be?" I questioned, walking towards the group.

"I was... Having a little communications difficulty earlier, Lieutenant. Nothing serious." She assured. I nodded, internally reminding myself to tell her to see Fixit for that later. "Anything to report?" I continued.

"We found some open pods, Sir. And a Decepticon." Strongarm announced. "Calls himself, Steeljaw." Sideswipe continued, "Says he wants to live peacefully on this planet with like-minded Decepticons. But he got unpeaceful with us pretty quick."

"Can't wait to meet him!" Grim stated behind me. "I'll go put this one away." He smiled. "And I'll do it gently."

Inside the canister, Hammerstrike continued yelling about his lord and savior the sea. It had drove me a little cable-brained on the drive back..

Strongarm paid no mind and scowled, going back to this, 'Steeljaw' character. "If he's lying about going straight, we could be looking at a Decepticon army trying to take this planet." She stated ominously.

"All the more reason to wrap these fugitives up quickly." I stated "I'll have Fixit prep a report on Steeljaw's background. He's now on the top of our most wanted list."

"..Good Intel Newbies." I admitted, "Apparently I can send you two into the field together. Keep up the good work. " I walked away quickly, not wanting to hear any comments that potentially argue with the statement I so desperately wanted to stay as is.

After giving my statements I did the usual rounds. I checked on Grim and helped him put away Hammerstrike for good, thankful to finally get him to shut up, and a subtly feeling satisfied with my revenge for messing up my arm even more than it had been.

I decided, with the setting sun, it was finally time to relax. But before I did I just had to do one more thing.

I made my way over to Fixit, who had retreated back to his computer balcony, typing in codes and finishing up programs. "Hey, Fixit. Can you get a file of Steeljaw up and running by tomorrow? I want to know everything we can about him before we come face to face with him again." He smiled, and his optics brightened a tiny bit. "Sure thing, Lieutenant! I'll have that file ready before Stasis!" I smiled back, happy that a chore was off my back. "Thanks. Good day Fixit!" I turned a waved a goodbye to him, unconsciously with my left servo. My damaged one..

I had only walked a few steps away before I was stopped. "Wait! Lieutenant!" I turned around quickly to see Fixit wheeling after me on the ground, his own servo raised. "What is it?" I asked, unconsciously raising my arm again in curiosity. He stopped in front of me, and actually didn't say anything for a few seconds, just... frowning.

His call had brought the attention of everyone in the main area, and my confusion had only grown at the minicon. "Uhh... Hello? Fixit? What's the Problem??" I had waved my servo in his face for a second before Fixit suddenly scowled and grabbed my servo in place, his face clearly stating he was upset with me. "This! This is the problem, Lieutenant!" He still held my arm and I had realized by then we was talking about my gravely bent out of shape plate.

Fixit had released my arm but he still held his scowl. "As official minicon of this team and the Alchemor, it is my duty to assist any of my otherwise injured team members, whether they ask me to or not." I looked around nervously at my teammates. It was clear that they knew what Fixit was talking about. And his stern expression didn't help my confidence.

Then, and Now [Robots In Disguise]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt