Please, Help Me

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I stood in the shadow of the dim workshop, the tiny, dull, two-room workshop illuminated only by the orange and yellow lights by the setting sun, which clashed against my sky blue paint to make me look grey. I looked around with my head, letting the clicks from my echolocation scan every bit of the main work room, almost exactly how I remember it, besides a few new and missing tools and machines. Under my visor, my eyes grew nostalgic, remembering when I first came here and my awe at even being allowed the opportunity to work with these materials and these tools. However, I also grew quite saddened. At the fact that this what the shop has become now. A little waste of space in a bustling city that no one even wants because there's virtually no use for it, other than what it already is.

I sighed at all the memories and just the fact that I was here again after so many years, but my mind perked back up again when I heard grunting and metal clangs in the back room once again. The moment I was in front of the door, I had already felt Ratchet's presence, which made be both equally excited to see him again, and concern for what had happened in all these years.

"Argh! Oh! Ghrrrr...I needed those..." A giant clang rang through my audio receptors, as well as several little ones, once Ratchet had attempt to lift an unbalanced box of tools and pieces through the tiny door way with obviously little success. I small frown made its way to my face at the experience and just as Ratchet began to bend over to pick everything up, I stepped into the light..

"..Hello Ratchet." I said solemnly, nostalgically..

Ratchet's optics grew wide and he once again dropped several tools at once back on the floor as he gasped at my sudden presence. "Echo!" I walked forward as he stood. "Wha..What are you doing here?" he still sounded extremely surprised and dumbfounded. I kept an equal face as I bent down in front of his standing figure, beginning to pick up random tools for him. One of my first jobs, essentially. "I could ask the same about you, Ratchet.." I said, looking up to him with a concerned face that he could actually see.

I could tell he was surprised at how quickly I was willing to open my visor and reveal my dead optics to him, but it didn't matter so much to me. I trusted him.

Ratchet slowly joined me on the floor, helping to pick up pieces of metal as well, very much still hesitant. "Uh.. It's been a while." He started, slowly. "How've you been?" He looked straight at me, and I looked at him. Completely optic to optic. That little detail may not have meant much but to me, It was extremely intimate.

"Um.." I hesitated to answer. "I suppose by technical terms, well." I stood, dumping what I gathered into Ratchet's box as he stood up as well. I could feel the skepticism wafting off Ratchet. I kept my head low, ready for him to delve but he didn't say anything. "Well, I was just.. came by here to pick up these tools, that's all." He explained, sounding uncertain. It was my turn to be a skeptic.

I crossed my arms and faced him, disapproval clearly on my face. "I stopped by the hospital today." I spoke firmly. "Just this morning," I continued, my face growing slightly sadder. "You weren't there..." Ratchet's face grew surprised and his voice was slightly panicked. "W-Well, I had been on break-!" "A break?" I interrupted, uncrossing my arms and scoffing a laugh at his excuse. "Well, according to the staff, you've been on break since Optimus died." I poked him in the chest and he began to back away from me. I couldn't blame him. I could definitely make people nervous when I wanted to. "Echo..I.." he drifted off, his voice sounding extremely solemn. "Why didn't you tell me..?" My voice grew softer. "I could've helped you." I felt him lower his head, as he radiated shame. "..I didn't want to burden you.." He admitted. My face grew even sadder when he said that, "Oh Ratchet..." I slowly lifted my arms, embracing his slightly taller figure. "You could never burden me.." He had only hesitated for a moment before lifting a single arm to wrap around my back.

After a moment we both let go, given that both our styles of affection weren't necessarily physical. Still, it was nice to know my old mentor still cared.

I slowly turned around, leaning my hands on the workbench in the center of the room, silently thinking of our collective failure to make a difference. "Once you had left the Hospital," Ratchet spoke up, "It had gotten increasingly hard to maintain my place there, myself. And I found myself back here, alone with nothing to really sustain my living situation." He explained. "And you didn't seek out help because you didn't want to bother me?" I questioned, still slightly annoyed that that was his excuse, refusing to face him. "I figured you were too busy, repairing the planet and advancing the technological age, to deal with a old bot such as myself." He admitted.

My face grew pained, and I lightly picked up a medium wrench off the table, letting it's rough surface glide over my smooth digits. "Well, you didn't need to worry.." I started, finally turning to face him. "Because we're in the same boat here." I said, solemnly.

I could feel his optics grow wider. "But." I continued, interrupting his concerned thoughts "The status of our careers don't matter right now." I stated, confusion wafting off Ratchet. "What do you mean?" He spoke.

"I need your help."

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