Planning, planning, and more planning

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Back on the Waverider, Sara, Constantine, and the others found out that many other places were being taken over at the same time, and more newborns were showing up in bigger hordes. They were figuring out how they were going to split up and if they should bring anyone else in to help, but they were obviously outnumbered, but also maybe a little too outnumbered.

"What are we supposed to do? The source could be anywhere and we still don't have a plan," the Flash, or Barry Allen, exclaimed while running throughout the ship.

"Barry, calm down. We will find the source," Oliver said with as much confidence as he could muster. "It's not like we haven't beaten something like this before."

"Oliver is right," Constantine said, breaking his silence. "There is much worse out there."

"You're not helping," Barry complained, trying to hold back tears.

"Sorry, but it's the truth," Constantine sighed.

"I don't care!"

"Alright, Alright. There's worse out there. Let's just focus on the situation at hand, ok? We've already wasted enough time," Sara demanded.

"Yeah, let's just figure out our plan of action. So Barry, get over yourself right now," Oliver chimed in.


"Ok, any word from Fox and her friends?"

"Nothing yet," Nate said over the coms.

"Alright, let me know if anything happens, Nate."

"Alrighty then."

Meanwhile, in Roblox Land, Nate, Amaya, and Wally were walking through the weirdly positioned streets, pretty much patrolling the area. They could hear the people in the distance shouting and shooting their guns either in the air, or at the ground near their creator. Even though they are supposed to be helping the Roblox creator, they were instead patrolling to make sure there weren't any newborns around.

"Hey, do you guys think we should just go help the creator already?" Wally asked, tired of patrolling after speeding around the area multiple times.

"You can go if you want," Nate said, hoping to get some alone time with Amaya.

"Ok then," Wally said as he whispered to himself, "I should've done it awhile ago."

Wally sped off towards all the commotion, leaving Nate and Amaya alone to be able to talk.

A/N: sorry if this part is pretty short, I haven't had many ideas for this story and at this point, I don't know if I'm gonna add any more and leave this story as ongoing

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