Meeting the Legends

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Neon and I looked out of the front window and saw another ship. I instantly recognized it from a show that I had seen.

"It's the Waverider!" I exclaimed.

"How do you know this, Fox?" Arow asked.

"She knows it from a TV show we both watch," Neon snapped. A hologram of Citizen Steel, Nate Heywood, then popped up on the dashboard near Arow and started talking.

"Which one of you is Fox?" Nate asked.

"I'm Fox," I answered.

"We need you, Fox, because you have secret powers that you haven't unlocked," Nate said, a little confused since Dr. Stein was talking to him over his radio, "wait ... I was just informed that I will be needing all three of you, because apparently all three of you have powers."

"What kind of powers do I have?" Neon asked.

"I'm not sure what kind of powers you have. We will find out when you unlock them." Nate said. We suddenly heard yelling in the background.

"Who's yelling?" I asked, almost laughing at what I was able to understand.

"It's just Mick and Sara arguing about who would be a better leader," Nate said, obviously annoyed.

"Nate! Get back over here so we can finish our argument!" yelled Mick. We all burst out laughing when we saw Mick tackle Nate to avoid having to finish the argument. We landed next to the Waverider and got out to talk face to face with the legends. We saw them come out of their ship, their heads turning towards us. I found the idea that I had secret hidden powers to be a bit absurd. Arow seemed to think the same thing, but was also a bit excited to find out what his powers were.

"Hey, guys. What is that?" I asked, pointing towards a ring of light that had appeared between the Waverider and the Dropship.

"That's a portal," Sara said, "It helps with going to different dimensions if you don't have a ship like the Waverider." The portal then got a little bigger and 6 people came out of it. I recognized all of them almost instantly.

"NO WAY!" I yelled with joy and disbelief as I saw Green Arrow, The Flash, Vibe, Supergirl, Killer Frost, and the Elongated Knight standing in front of me.

"I'm glad you know who we are, young lady. Also, you can call me Oliver for now, but just don't around people who don't know my real name," Green Arrow said as he walked up to me. I nodded, remembering what not to do while a superhero is suited up.

"Oh and by the way, did you guys happen to see a big hoard of newborns by any chance?" I asked.

"Yeah, we were heading over to the factory and saw a hoard heading towards it. We also saw your dropship land at the factory. Why?" Sara replied.

"We think that the newborns are having a revolution of some sort and they decided to take over our base and claim it as their own," Neon said.

"Well, we must stop them," said an older man who came out of the Waverider.

"Who are you?" Arow asked the old man.

"Dude, that's Dr. Martin Stein, you idiot," I snapped at Arow.

"Well, I'm sorry for not knowing who they are. I don't watch shows, or any sort of TV for that matter," Arow snapped back.

"Alright, alright. Don't start fighting, you two. We have bigger problems right now," Nate said as Sara's watch started beeping. Sara opened it and a holograph of Jefferson Jackson, the other half of Firestorm, popped up.

"~All of you. Get on the ship right now. There's a problem over at Roblox land,~" Jefferson said over the radio. We all looked at each other and ran into the Waverider. When we got to the cortex of the ship, I saw Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Zari, Kid Flash, and Rip Hunter. They all looked so amazing in person, but I had to contain my excitement.

"So, what's going on in Roblox land?" Nate asked.

To be continued...

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