Chapter 15: Adronitis

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Adronitis (n): The frustration with how long it takes to really know someone.


The trio continued their trip after staying in Newport, Rhode Island for another day. New York City was the next destination and they were very excited. New York City is described as the world's cultural, financial and media hub as a global power city and has a major impact on the music, design, and fashion industries.

"The city that never sleeps. This is gonna be epic." Kyan said looking at his phone.

"You're checking Google just like Flynn, huh?" Skye questioned, throwing a glance at him.

She had taken the turn to drive and Flynn was sleeping in the back seat, snoring loudly.

"I'm nothing like Flynn. We're two very different individuals." Kyan said defensively. "I'm smart while he got the good looks."

"You say that, but you guys are kinda similar in some ways. And you gotta admit his dumb stuff is rubbing off on you too," Skye said casually.

"Well, what do you think of him?" Kyan asked nonchalantly.

"I think he's awesome, like he's the best friend anyone could ask for. He's been there for me anytime I needed him like he's there for everyone else. But you'd know that already." She gave him a smile.

"True, Flynn can see through people and would know what to say at the right time to make someone feel better. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a therapist or something because he's that good at listening and understanding," Kyan raved.

"I'm really glad I met you guys," Skye said, and her happiness shone through her smile.

Kyan had to admit to himself that Skye's smile was beautiful. Even if it was for a second, his heart skipped a beat. It surprised Kyan that he had never looked at her closely before. She had a unique smile that had the other person smiling as well. Kyan noticed that while Skye usually put on a poker face, when she did smile it was really genuine. It was a smile that brought a smile to his face.

He was close with the other girls in their circle as well, but somehow Skye had made a special place for herself in his life. He cared about her deeply and while he still didn't know a lot about her personal life or the life she had before moving, Kyan knew she was someone he could trust completely. He had long accepted that she was a very reserved person and didn't like talking about herself. Nevertheless, he liked to think she had been getting more and more comfortable sharing things with him over the past few months. Looking at her now, Kyan wondered how he had been so oblivious to her simple beauty all this time. She didn't try hard to look pretty, it just came naturally to her. She was one of those few people who could look effortlessly beautiful and be completely unaware of it. He leaned his head against the passenger side window and continued looking at her discreetly while she drove.

After sometime, Flynn woke up and since then the comfortable silence was broken by his activeness.

"Kyan, I got a text from Mark, he is New York too," Flynn said looking at his phone .

"Sweet, ask him if we could meet up?" Kyan turned around in his seat.

"I already did. I'm waiting for his reply." He was staring at his phone intensely enough to burn a hole through it. "Oh, he replied, he said that his cousin's place is available and we could come and hang out there. He'll come to meet up when we reach New York."

"That's great. I missed the guy and his gluttony episodes," Kyan said, feeling nostalgic.

"It feels like so long now. And it's so sad to think we'd never study together again," Flynn joined in.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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