Chapter 14: Tranquility

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'Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.'


"Is this the next place on our road trip?" Kyan asked, examining the map.

"Yeah, we're now in Newport, Rhode Island," Flynn answered.

"Well it's still dark so let's find a motel and get some rest. Four hours of driving has drained all my energy." Kyan yawned and stretched.

They both glanced at Skye who was sleeping soundly in the back seat. She looked peaceful and for some reason, Flynn's heart started thumping irregularly at the sight.

They drove around and it didn't take long for them to find a motel and get two rooms. The boys would share and Skye would have a room for herself.

They all went to their rooms and slumped on the beds, falling fast asleep.

The next morning they headed out for breakfast bright and early. Once again, the new destination didn't fail to awe them.

"I'm thinking we should wait here for at least one day before going off again," Kyan suggested.

"I was thinking the same. This place is really nice and comforting. It'd be a waste if we didn't enjoy it." Skye was quick to agree.

"I've heard there are really nice beaches around here. Anyone up for a swim?" Flynn started getting pumped up.

They asked around and found out that there was a public beach known as 'First Beach' not far away from them. It was apparently a prime spot for any and all beach activities.

They packed everything needed for a day at the beach and drove out. The beach was packed with people but not so much that it was off putting. The sand was soft and golden with just the right amount of comforting warmth. Being barefoot felt like a cozy hug, one only matched by the sunshine brightening the sky. Flynn stretched out his arms and took in the place. The air smelled and tasted of salt and the waves filled their ears with the unique music of the sea. Closing his eyes, Flynn let his grin grow into a wide smile.

"This. Is. Life." His eyes twinkled with happiness.

"It's so beautiful out here," Kyan said, facing the sea. "I wish all our friends were here to see this."

The waves crashed on the shore, leaving behind lacy foam which was again washed away by new waves. Skye moved towards the edge of the beach as the ocean waves played with her black hair and making strands of it fly this way and that. With her bare feet, she took another step towards the water, never taking her eyes off of the horizon.

"Let's hit the water," Flynn said, grabbing Skye's hand.

"Wait, I'm not gonna go in completely, I just wanted to get my feet in the water," she blurted out.

"I thought you wanted to go swimming." Kyan looked surprised.

"Well, I don't know how to swim so I'll just stay here and dip my feet in or walk around." She lowered her gaze.

Flynn gave a playful look at Kyan and hoisted Skye up in his arms, making her shriek.

"Kyan and I are here so you don't have to be afraid. You can still enjoy the water even if you don't know how to swim. Let's live without regrets," Flynn said with Kyan nodding along.

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