Chapter 3: Gratitude

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"Enjoy the little things, for one day, you might look back and realize they were the big things."

Those first few weeks after Avery left were the hardest for Kyan. They used to hang out every day, and he felt like his life was empty without her next to him. Sure, they were always chatting or messaging each other, but it didn't feel the same as having her with him. They didn't talk about the moment they had at the airport, and he felt like they were both avoiding the subject. He didn't want to bring it up, because they were too far apart, and if he was going to tell her about his feelings, he wanted to do it with her in front of him.

Flynn had tried to cheer him up after Avery left. He went over to Kyan's house almost every day, and even managed to drag him out of his house a few times. It had worked in improving Kyan's mood to some extent, but he still hadn't gone back to his usual self before Avery left.

The days had passed fast and before he knew it, it was time to start his senior year. He didn't want to imagine how the rest of his year was going to be without Avery. He felt depressed at the very thought.


Sighing, Kyan continued his walk towards the coffee shop near his school. Entering the small cozy café, the aroma of fresh coffee filled his senses. A few people were scattered here and there through the coffee shop. Kyan strode towards the counter and ordered his usual. There was a girl next to him at the counter, but he couldn't see her face since she had her back to him. She looked like she was busy searching her bag for something.

"Shit, I can't believe I forgot my wallet," Kyan heard her mumble.

She turned towards the girl at the counter with an apologetic look and Kyan saw that she had grey eyes. She was really pale, which made for a nice contrast against her black hair. Her eyebrows were black too, with long eyelashes. Maybe it was the way she was dressed, in dark colors and wearing a hoodie, but for some reason he got the impression that she didn't want anyone to notice her.

"You can add hers to my bill, I'll pay for it," Kyan smiled towards the girl at the counter and handed her the money.

He took the cups and handed the girl's to her with a small smile.

"Thank you so much," she said politely, taking the cup from him.

"Sure, it's no problem," Kyan smiled again.

They exited the coffee shop together to see that it had begun to drizzle.

"So, where are you headed? I don't think I've seen you around here before," Kyan asked curiously.

"I actually just moved here a few weeks ago. I'm starting senior year here. Today's the first day," she looked nervous.

"Oh, I'm a senior too, I'm also headed towards school. We could go together if you don't mind."

"Yeah sure, thanks,"

"I'm Kyan by the way," he extended a hand towards her.

"Skylar Kingson, but you can call me Skye." She shook his hand.

"Okay Skye, we're gonna be late if we don't hurry," Kyan lead the way.

As soon as they entered school, Kyan heard someone shouting his name from across the hallway, and a minute later he was held in a chokehold by none other than Flynn.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting ages for you, my love," he said with very convincing puppy eyes.

"Um, are you a couple?" Skye looked questioningly at Kyan.

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