Chapter 13: Exhilaration

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I was thinking the same. This place is practically filled with historical places worth exploring," Skye agreed.

"Let's head to Dorchester then, since we're already downtown. It'll only take a few hours to reach there. We can't go to all the places here but let's go there and officially start our road trip!" Flynn exclaimed, getting pumped up.

"Sounds great," Kyan nodded and put the location in the GPS.

Through the ride they had fun telling jokes and talking about funny things Flynn and Kyan had gotten up to. Skye didn't feel like an outsider at all and she was glad to be able to hang out with the two people who had become special to her since she moved and to bond with them.

In a few hours, they reached their destination and Kyan parked the car.

"Dorchester is a historic neighborhood of over 6 square miles. The town was founded by Puritans who emigrated from Dorchester, England in 1630. Boston's largest neighborhood by far, it's today sometimes nicknamed "Dot" by its residents," Flynn said casually while getting out of the car.

"Wow, you know a lot about this place," Skye said, impressed. "I'd never be able to remember stuff like that about any place."

"What are you talking about? I just checked Google," he replied with a confused look and turned his phone to show them the page he had loaded.

Kyan burst out laughing as Skye scowled.

"So much for being impressed, Skye. He's the most unexpected guy. I mean, he's just so unpredictable." Kyan continued to laugh.

"It doesn't take much to impress you, does it, Skye?" Flynn asked with a flirtatious wink as Kyan dissolved into another fit of laughter at the look on Skye's face.

Skye tried to hide her embarrassment and huffed in annoyance. "You guys are so immature. Especially you, Flynn."

"Aw, come on, you know you love me, immatureness and all," Flynn threw an arm around her shoulder and said playfully.

She gave him a withering look and turned her head down to hide the blush creeping up her face. "So, where to?" She asked to change the subject.

"Let's go to the Franklin Park zoo," Kyan suggested, checking his phone. "It's just a few blocks away. Let's walk."

"The last time I went to a zoo was when I was 6 years old. I'm really excited," Skye beamed.

Within a few minutes they reached the zoo.

They were amazed to see the place. The zoo was lively with its vast display of animals and birds of different types and species. They spent time looking at the animals and taking pictures and even feeding some of the animals.

After seeing almost all of the animals, they headed out to get something to eat. The sun had sunk lower in the sky, the light of day slowly draining away and giving way to the dark of the night. The colors of dusk shone faintly in the fading light and the air became cooler.

In the welcome amber glow of sunset, time slowed and their minds relaxed as they took in the beautiful colors of the day's end. Skye felt the soothing breeze and let herself get absorbed in the music of crickets, letting the gentle energy of nature wash in. She gazed at Kyan who was lost in his thoughts.

She thought he could be comparable to the sun. He had people orbiting around him without even being aware of it; some were so far away they were in the cold, wanting to be closer. The lucky ones were in the perfect distance to feel his warmth. Skye was sure that in one way or another, all the people that met him would feel a special bond with him. He was the brightest person you could ever meet.

Even if she knew that she should try to get over her feelings for him, she couldn't help but hope that someday he would look at her differently. Look at her as more than just a friend.

"Hey, I found us a place to eat. C'mon, I'm starving." Her thoughts were interrupted by Flynn.

They made their way into a restaurant nearby.

After satiating their hunger, they hit the road again and Flynn took the wheel this time. Kyan sat in the backseat to get some rest.

"You still haven't told me why our final destination is Seattle," Skye said, turning back to Kyan.

"Oh, I thought you would've figured it out by now," Kyan gave her faint smile." "I guess you've forgotten about Avery living there."

Skye's face fell as she realized what it meant. There was a painful ache in her but she masked it up, forcing a smile on her face. She quickly turned back around to face the front.

"Yeah, I guess I've been so busy that it slipped my mind." She forced the words out.

She was glad that it was dark as she held back the tears that had rapidly gathered in her eyes. She felt as if her chest had been torn into, leaving her trembling heart exposed.

"Hey, you alright?" Flynn turned his head to her in concern.

"I'm fine, just a little tired." Skye gave him a reassuring smile and but it didn't go past Flynn that something more was behind it.

"So, she must be happy knowing that you're visiting her, right?" she asked, attempting to get the focus off her.

"Ave doesn't know about this. Everyone wants this to be a surprise for her. Kyan's parents won't be saying anything to Avery or her parents either." Flynn answered her.

Skye glanced at Kyan who had fallen asleep. His chest rose with every breath and his mouth was slightly opened, making him look even more adorable and made Skye feel more affection towards him. "He must really love her."

"Yeah, we all kinda figured it out even though he tried to hide his feelings. I think Avery's the only one who hasn't realized that," Flynn said, watching the road.

"Well, he told me about it." She looked at Flynn.

"I guess he considers you as a really close friend then, just like I do." Flynn winked at her good naturedly.

They fell into a comfortable silence listening to music as they drove on through the night.    


Hi! How's everyone doing? I hope you like this chapter. I would like to mention everything written on this road trip is all based on the Google information and I have never travelled ever in my life so I have zero experience and if there are mistakes I hope you guys understand and tell me about it so I can rectify it. Thanks so much for reading and supporting my book. I came this far only cause of y'all.

Love you guys!! ❤️

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