Ghosts of the Past

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Shiar allowed himself a few moments to change out of his clothing from the road, washing the dust from his skin and putting on a cleaner, polished set of armour before walking into his receiving hall. He allowed himself to settle and prepared his mind as he took a seat behind his desk and nodding to his man at arms. 

He was tired, but he was clean and prepared to see the strange group from the mountains that had filled his thoughts for the past three days of riding. There was a possibility, though he knew he was hoping on a miracle after what Nerini had claimed to find before arriving in Alliance.

"M'lord, they do not want to put away their weapons." One of his men advised, clearly disturbed by the strange group. It was custom to be unarmed before the receiving noble in Sellexu and the firm refusal from the odd party was clearly causing the man to small amount of confusion and distrust.

"If they must remain armed, then tell them to select one spokesman and only he can enter." Shiar said easily, shaking his head, wondering what he was about to deal with.

"She, M'lord."

"They already have a spokesman?"

"Yes, M'lord, she's the only one who speaks to us."

"Then show her in and have five of you stay in the room with us."

The man looked at him for a long moment, trying to evaluate the order, before bowing quickly and running out of the room. Only a few moments passed  and the doors reopened, admitting an older woman with snow white hair, pale features and light green eyes,. She was cloaked in an unassuming brown cloak, leather armour and had two swords on her back in a manner that tugged at his memory.

The woman strode into the room with ease, though the lines on her face spoke of a weariness she had tried to steel from her eyes and movements. The woman was built of tough material that didn't look capable of bending to anything, even the will of a High Lord.

"High Lord Shiar, D'Ilnza of the Provinces of Porsend and Couth, Champion of the Alliance, High Commander of the armies of Sellexu." One of his men introduced him, which was yet another oddity to the situation, as it was his room, his keep, his lands. 

No introductions needed to be made for him, according to custom, but he allowed it, watching the woman who stood before him. Perhaps these strangers did not know him, as the messenger had said she seemed not to know who was in charge of his family's estates.

The lady gave him a thoughtful expression, weighing him and his presence. Her expression gentle, like she was seeing a friend after a long time apart and learning something knew about something once familiar. "I am Elana, emissary of the survivors of Cleandria. Am I speaking to you as representative of the Alliance, or Sellexu?"

"You are speaking to me as High Lord of these lands and this Keep you have asked entrance to." Shiar responded firmly in Sellexun, which she had chosen to speak, though her accent was not one he was familiar with. Still, his hope surged. They had not hoped for survivors, not after this long a silence.

"Ah. After we've addressed those issues, can I speak with you about the Alliance?"

He shrugged then, unsure where this woman was headed on that line of questions. Cleandria had made no effort to be involved in the Alliance before it had been destroyed. "Perhaps. You claim to be survivors of Cleandria, only twenty of you?"

"There may be more, scattered throughout the world but those of us here were charged with protecting the library of Cleandria. It's been several months of us travelling through the mountains and though pursuit did not last, it has been hard going to reach here."

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