Llyn and Llyr Weaver.

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MY LELIN CHIRREN, PLEASE ENJOY. Also, now, from typing their names so much, I just want to type double 'l's whenever I type an 'l' as the starting letter.

~general information~

Name: Llyn and Llyr Weaver (DO THEY HAVE LAST NAMES ?!?!)

Nicknames: by each other to each other (Llyn to Llyr) "brother, the second,boi, Lyre(as in the instrument) -whatever else he comes up with-"(Llyr to Llyn) "Brother, old person, BOI, -whatever else he comes up with-"

Age: 33.

Gender: male.

Sexuality: straight.

~general appearance~

Species: Lelin.

Hair: a burnt sienna color for both, but Llyn has straight hair that goes does to his shoulders for lack of trimming, but he usually keeps it up in a pony tail; Llyr has cute curly hair that shrinks up about a foot. So it is around his ears where his Sherly Temple curls hang.

Eyes: Llyn has bright, happy blue eyes; while Llyr has thoughtful, deep brown eyes.

Skin: From the general lack of vitamin D they get from living in the denseforest, they are fair-skinned. Both have freckles around their eyes,nose, and on their arms. But Llyr has more for some reason.

Bodytype: Medium build, Llyn has a bit more meat on his bones than does Llyr for another odd reason.

Distinguishing features: They both have an earring, one on Llyn's right ear, and one on Llyr's left ear. They were just simple little gold hoops that they had gotten when they were younger... Llyr completely regrets it, but he tried to let the hole in his ear heal up and it ended up gettinginfected. So he just keeps the ring in. Also, Llyn has a bright big birthmark on his left shoulder, of which he is very proud of.

Preferred clothing style: The two brothers have to wear the same pants,so usually it is just a simple and comfortable pare of leggings theymade. The bros actually have totally different styles. Llyn likes to wear bright colors, dyed from plant dyes or different types of insetdyes. He prefers the colors yellow, red, and bright green. He also likes to decorate his clothing with little bits of pretty flowers and such that he finds. He wears them like broaches.

Llyr,on the other hand, prefers plain, olive drab kinda colors. Easy to make and wear. He likes darkish green and browns, neutral colors pretty much. He finds his elder brother's "outlandish" style to be quite distasteful.

The both of them often wear tunics over top of a long sleeved undershirt made from something comfortable.

Faceclaim?(if human or Lelin): for Llyn; Barry Watson, in his Seventh Heaven days. Only with blue eyes. For Llyr; Timothee Chalamet.

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