Part 22

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Remember that the picture that I put at the top is whaat the main character wears for the majority of the chapter Xx

Ieyasu POV

As I was just finishing up redressing Mitsuhide's wounds he spoke up, "So tonight, in my manor, I have invited you, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari and Y/N to enjoy some sake with me." He said, a devilish grin playing across his face.

"Why? And did Y/N genuinely agree to go?- She hates you."

"First of all: she doesn't hate me, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to come. Secondly: don't you want to find out more about this mystery woman. Come on we know nothing about her!"

"True, but why not just use your spies to find out information." I said bluntly.

"I'll do that, but I always find that the best information always comes directly from the person themselves."

"Of course I'm interested in who Y/N really is. But is getting her drunk and interrogating her really the best way of doing this?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes. So don't be late."

I rolled my eyes, I'd have thought that by now I would've gotten used to his schemes, but they still unnerved me every time he needed my help.

"Fine, but leave now. Y/N is supposed to be here any time now."

"Why the rush, I have a plausible excuse for being here." Mitsuhide said.

"I know, but the more Y/N sees you the worse she feels and the less likely she will be to tell you anything about herself."

Mitsuhide rolled his eyes, "Aww, you give me too much credit." He said smiling mischievously as he exited the room.


Darkness drew itself around Azuchi castle, and the night donned a warm husk that warmed me as I was escorted to Mitsuhide's minka. It was simple, edgy and if a house could be curt, I would describe it as curt. Overall, it looked nice? The furnishings were stylish and generally looked expensive, except they made me more uncomfortable because I just spent the entire time walking through the place worried a dead body would fall through the ceiling or a door. No. Mitsuhide would obviously keep all his dead bodies either in the basement or far away outside, where any evidence couldn't lead back to him.

With one final gesture through a door the servant left me and I slid the double doors open hesitantly to reveal Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi and Mitsunari lounging in a circle, laughing boyishly at each others jokes and for the most part: looking quite relaxed.

At the sound of the doors moving, they all looked up at me and smiled as their eyes drank in my change of clothes. I had changed out my sky blue kimono, and instead into a delicate pink kimono accented with small peony and carnation prints and a sultry purple obi.

"Y/N! Come join us! You look amazing!" Mitsunari gleamed, welcoming me over to sit between him and Mitsuhide. I blinked for a few seconds, his words not really registering in my mind as panic started billowing through me before I took a deep breath, got a hold of myself and tentatively tiptoed over to sit next to the snow-kissed men of the group.

Before my butt had even reached the plush pillows, Mitsuhide placed a generous glass of sake in my hand, "drink up love." He preened, clinking it with his own glass and downing his in one. My eyes widened in surprise, as I had expected him to sip like I and the rest of the men here were doing.

He noticed my surprise immediately and lifted a furtive eyebrow, "don't act so surprised Princess. You know I love my sake more than anything and it's not like it's actually strong."

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