Part 17

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Ieyasu POV

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Nobunaga roared, his hand reaching to draw his sword.

Not wanting the princess to be cleaved in two within the first ten minutes of being back in Azuchi, I quickly interviened.

"The Princess is tired and probably injured from her adventure. I must attend to her." Not waiting for a reply, I grabbed her wrist, and dragged her out the room.

"What is wrong with you?! You could have said anything. Done anything! Instead you tried to get yourself killed by saying you should have let him burn that night at Honno-ji!" I said in a harsh whisper. For once, she didn't say anything, so I continued to drag her to my private infirmary, where I treated the other warlords and other special people.

Y/N sat on my medical table as we walked in.

I gathered a cloth and a bowl of fresh water. Rinsing it out I drew it to the graze on her cheek, to which she winced timidly in response.

"Sorry Princess. I'll be done before you know it."

"I can't believe Nobunaga would..."

"My Lord does not have a high tolerance for disobediance. I'm sure Mitsuhide warned you about it before you got here."

Y/N didn't reply. I carefully finished up on her cheek; it would bruise but luckily not much more.

"Where else are you hurt." I asked.

"How do you know I'm hurt? I'm pretty capable." She said arguementatively.

"Pretty capable of getting yourself hurt. Now where are you injured?"

Reluctantly she said, "On the back of my knee."

"How did you get it?"

"Mitsuhide cut me. And I got a small one on my neck from him as well."

I could hear the bitterness dripping off her words, "Let me see it."

She stood up, turned around and lifted up the hem of her Kimono, so I could see the wound- it wasn't too deep and was still fresh. But fortunately it hadn't gotten infected.

Quickly, I cleansed the cut, put my specially engineered salve to prevent infection and badaged it up. As I moved onto inspecting the one on her neck, Mitsuhide walked in.

He sat down stiffly on the table behind Y/N.

"What? Did Y/N do that to you?" I said smirking, indicating at the injuries he too had aquired.

"No. One of Uesugi's men. He put up a pretty good fight. Caught me in the arm, and leg." He said, removing his haori.

"Yeah, well I'm sure Y/N wasn't in any position to fight back when you cut her. Twice."

He grunted in dimissal of my disapproving of his methods. I quickly finished with Y/N and moved on to assessing Mitsuhide's wounds.

"Who dressed these wounds?" I asked, indicating to the fairly well bandaged cuts.

"Y/N here is a healer in the making."

"I am when you threaten to cut through an artery in my leg, if I don't shut up and dress your wounds." She cut in.

"This one's pretty deep, but its small, so you should be fine. And the one on your leg should heal well as long as you don't do any strenuous activity that could rupture the healing process." I said after wrapping both of his wounds, a long with a couple more minor ones.

"We'll see."

"So. Y/N. How did you stumble into the company of Uesugi Kenshin?" Mitsuhide sneered.

She remained silent.

"You can either tell us, and we can tell Nobunaga. Or you can speak to him directly, and I'm sure you don't want to do that." He said snidly

At the thought of having to spend another second with Nobunaga, finally she started talking, "I found Kenshin with one of my friends, Sasuke, on the side of the road after I'd escaped from Azuchi-"

"-'Escaped'? Don't be so dramatic." Interjected Mitsuhide.

"Shut up. They had been ambushed and Kenshin had been injured, as well as Sanada Yukimura had been captured by Kennyo's men. I helped bring back Kenshin to Kasugayama Castle under a false name. But when they found out who I really was, the Princess of Azuchi, they imprisoned me. We finally came to an understanding and they freed me, as well as I agreed to help free Yukimura. While we were at Kennyo's base, I bumped into Mitsuhide. Who conned me into coming with him to here. He also killed two innocent people for no reason. There. Now you know." Tears spilled over her eyes; her core was falling apart at the seams, and her mind was being drien to insanity.

I cupped her face in my hands, wiping away her tears, "Y/N, it's okay. You should sleep. I'll take you to your room."

"Where is it?" She asked meekly. "I don't mind, just as long as it's as far away from Nobunaga as possible."

I smiled wryly, amused by her open hate towards the Lord that I serve.

Mitsuhide POV

I left the infirmary shortly after Ieyasu and Y/N did. Despite leaving for a 'work' trip, I knew I probably had even more work than ever, just piling up on my desk, so I decided to head there. On my way I stumbled into Mitsunari.

"What just happened in there?" Mitsunari said dumbfoundidly, indicating back to the council room.

"Y/N clearly isn't pleased about being back here. Probably because she became such good friends with the enemy. Yeah. These friends she just mentioned in there, were Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. I warned her about her attitude towards Nobunaga but she just doesn't seem to get it. It's like she's not from here... I might look into her, but not before I sort through all the work I know I've got. What you all would do without me... Next time though, I'm worried Nobunaga is going to do something worse than strike her with his hand."

"Agreed. But what was she doing with them."

I explained to Mitsunari how she stumbled upon them the night she ran from Azuchi, and ended up doing them a huge favour in exchange for some sort of safety I assumed.

"Maybe. Or maybe she really was a spy and she already knew them from before we met her, making everything she's ever told us a lie." Mitsunari said suspiciously

"That's plausible. We'll see, I must be off now." I replied nodding slightly before exiting his company.

A/N  This one was strangely therapeutic to write. One of my favourite chapters I've got to say

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