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Alyssa Montrose

"ALYSSA!" My sister Charlotte yelled.

I ran down the many stairs and into the living room where Charlotte, Lady Arista and my mother are. Everyone with pursed lips and serious faces. Lady Arista was staring into the fire in the fireplace while my mother, Glenda, was staring at the wall. Charlotte looked at me emotionless, but with a slight mocking glare in her green eyes.

"Yes?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Careful with your tone, Alyssa", my mother said.

"Since it's my birthday today and my party is too, we'll have people over. You know what that means, right?" Charlotte asked me with a mocking voice.
However, my mother obviously ignored her mocking tone. I groaned but nodded. I just managed to suppress an eye roll.

"Guess I'm gonna stay in my room then... "

Today it's Charlotte's birthday and since we, more like everyone but me, is having a party for her and since I'm the 'black sheep' of the family they don't want people to really see me. Even though I'm only two hours younger than Charlotte, but apparently those two hours make it the next day.
I turned around to go back upstairs.

"Don't forget to be quiet", my mother called after me.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course, my lady."

Quietly I opened the skylight in my room and held onto the edges, pulling my body up and down a few times before pulling up all the way so I could get onto the roof. Funny little activity, it's exercising too. I spend most of my days up here on the roof to the huge house I live in with my mom, my sister, Lady Arista, aunt Maddy, Nick, Caroline and Grace with the door to my room locked.

I pulled out a packet of cigarettes and my lighter before lighting one and taking a deep breath before breathing the smoke out up at the sky. Of course, it's dangerous, very dangerous to be up here but it wouldn't be the worst of things if I'd fall and my family probably agrees with me on that. I looked up at the slowly dawning sky and listened to the busied noises of London.

Once I finished my cigarette I got into my room again and closed the skylight. I sit down on my bed and attempt to wrap my hand around my bicep. It worked. Hm. I have anorexia nervosa by the way. I studied my clothes hanging from my body like huge plastic bags. I was too thin to fit into them. My so-called 'sickness' is one of the many reasons why I'm the black sheep. I took out a book and started reading playing Nirvana softly in the background.

At around 9 pm I decided to go downstairs since the parties usually only last until 8. Just wanted to make sure an extra hour. We also eat dinner at nine in the dining room, everyone is forced to come and to eat, but I only come since they otherwise punish me, taking my computer, grounding me, etc. I unlocked the door to my room and jogged down the many stairs in hopes of burning more calories. I weigh 74,9 pounds and it annoys me. It's too much. So here I am, now running down the many stairs even though we're not allowed to. Who cares, Nick and Caroline, my cousins, do it all the time. I walked into the dining room and froze when I saw two men sitting at our dining table- one who is around my age, maybe a little older, sat next to Charlotte and the other one, clearly older, sat next to Glenda. Great, fucking great.

"Hi Lyss", Caroline noticed me first and everyone looked up.

I just nodded pursing my lips and going to sit down at my usual spot next to Maddy and now unfortunately next to the boy (more like a young man). Ugh. The men were looking at me weirdly. Guess they're not used to seeing people like me. As soon as I sat down aunt Maddy started filling my plate with tons of food. She thinks, hopes that someday I will just dig in or at least eat a little of it. But that never happens. I just play around with it, cutting it into small pieces and moving it around before saying I'm full. That always earns me sighs and disappointed looks. And disapproving ones too.

"Maddy... ", I warned her as she was about to fill my already food overflowing plate with more food.

She just gave me a stern look before putting more food on the plate making me sigh quietly.

"Alyssa we have guests", my mother nearly hissed out.

"I didn't know anyone would still be here and you always get mad if I don't come to our 'family dinner'."

"I'm Falk De Villiers", the older man said and smiled slightly.

"Alyssa Montrose", I said nodding as I began cutting my food into pieces.

"Gideon De Villiers", the boy next to me said and I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Who are your parents?" Falk asked me and I looked around at my family with a raised eyebrow.

I huffed before putting my knife and fork down and standing up from the dining table before walking out of the room. They didn't tell. I bet nobody even knows I'm Glenda's daughter and Charlotte's kind of twin. I ran upstairs to my room where I locked the door and did some sit-ups on my floor.

At around 11:30 pm Glenda came to tell me that she has to weigh me and all that shit. And take a look at me. Great.

Once we were in the bathroom I took off my clothes except for my bra and panties and looked at the scale. Once Glenda saw my thin body she gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

"Get on the scale."

I did as I was told and she took a look at it. I did too. 72,5 pounds. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. This is what I want, it's what I need. But then there are these other things.

Glenda carefully but tightly gripped my bony shoulders and guided me towards the mirror.

"You see that? You see what you look like?!" She yelled at me. "You think that's beautiful?!"

I didn't respond. I just stared at my reflection in the mirror. My pale face. My clearly visible ribs. My cheekbones that popped out of my face and eyes that had dark bags underneath them.

"It's disgusting!" Glenda spat and with that, she left the room. I let out a shaky breath before getting dressed again and walking to my room where I fell asleep pretty quickly. 



The first chapter on this one! Sorry that it's short. 

Hope you liked it! 


Ruby Red [Gideon De Villiers]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz