His hair looked so soft, she'd give anything to touch it. She didn't realize how her hand shot to his head, her fingers brushing against the strands lightly as she marveled at the warm hue.

"What-," his midnight eyes widened as he stared at her in bewilderment, rooted to his spot. Shan wasn't the least bit bothered by his astonished look, the alcohol circulating through her system washing away every last ounce of shame she had in her body.

"Your hair is so soft," she mumbled. Feeling oddly poetic all of a sudden, she determined the color of his hair reminded her of the earth after the summer rain. He started laughing, flashing a perfect set of white teeth and throwing his head back as his shoulders started shaking with amusement.

"Looks like someone's had too much to drink," he chuckled, revealing a set of flawless teeth and leaving Shan to wonder how the hell did he hear her over the thundering music. Was she talking so loudly? "Do you need someone to get you home?" he peered into her eyes.

"Noo," Shan protested, her lips curling down in a pout. "I'm here with my friendsss."

The man's gaze drifted somewhere over her shoulder as he raised an eyebrow. "Are that your friends?" he questioned as Shan glanced over at the girls she had come here with only to discover they were each making out with a different guy already. "They seem rather busy."

"Traitorss," Shan grumbled darkly. "We were having a girls' night."

"I'm leaving now, so if you'd like I could give you a ride to your place."

Shan's emerald eyes darted to and fro the stranger and her friends as she nibbled on her lip hesitantly. As reluctant as she was about getting in a stranger's car, she really wanted to get out of that smoky club already, get rid of the uncomfortable stilettos that were causing her blisters and of that tight dress that prevented her from breathing freely.

She glanced up at the man again, the frown on her forehead getting only deeper as she thought it over and over again. Someone this innocently looking couldn't possibly be a serial killer, right?

"Okay," she agreed finally as her lungs deflated in a slow exhale. She didn't even bother telling the other girls that she was leaving, she didn't want to interrupt whatever they were doing with their mouths. They'd find out eventually.

Shan was glad that he walked in front of her, she really didn't want him to witness her 'baby-deer-walking-for-the-first-time' drunk walk as she stumbled on her own feet in the high heels she cursed herself for putting on that night. Following him to the exit, she was relieved when the loud thumping music slowly became just a distant, muffled sound behind the massive door of the club.

"So, you seem like you love partying," he spoke out as he opened the passenger door for Shan to sit in the car.

"Yeah, don't you?" she was kind of thankful he didn't seem to want to hit on her shamelessly and instead was polite enough to make small talk.

"Not really," he replied after taking his seat behind the wheel, leaning over to help Shan buckle her seatbelt. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as his breath sent a warm breeze to her face, his minty scent infiltrating her nostrils. "I'm more of a stay at home kind of guy. I prefer the comfort and silence of my own home instead of the roaring music of the club," he explained, putting the car into gear and starting to drive smoothly.

"Nice," Shan admitted absent-mindedly, her mind dwelling on his words. Actually she'd be more than happy to spend her Friday nights at home, if only she had someone to snuggle comfortably in, to melt into someone's warm and strong embrace. The main reason she went out to party so often was that she felt lonely in the coldness of her own home, but she wouldn't admit that even to herself, let alone to a complete stranger. "So why were you here tonight then?" she asked, unsure if she wasn't prying too much but she really wanted to keep the conversation going.

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