IX - Lyra

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[Lyra - BisexualPyromancer]
[Irinith - Starlit-Stories]

I groaned as I woke up.
Everything hurt.

It shoudn't hurt.
I should've been able to take much more of that.
It had only taken a few hits to take me down.

My shields, all that training and that fucking enchanted arm were useless.
I saw now why Azriel didn't put me in the Flight of Gold.
I was too useless for anything like that.

I opened my eyes, seeing where I was.
I wasn't surprised to find out I was right at the top of the Citadel.
In the medical infirmary room thing. I had no idea about the name.

The thing with being an angel was that healing was usually fast.
We needed the sun for energy, and that extended to healing too.
If we were just stuck in darkness, we couldn't heal, our powers drained us more and ect.
But the opposite was true too, so if we were in sunlight we healed faster, fought harder and whatever.

So there was an entire open-air section of the Citadel devoted to wounded angels.

We didn't need doctors, not like humans. Okay well we kind of did, like if we dislocated anything or broke a bone, we needed someone to reset it, but officially, there weren't any doctors in Solaria.

I sat up on the bed-type thing or whatever it was that I'd been laying on.
I had no idea what it was called, and I just... hadn't asked.

Like an idiot.

With a shock I realised I had no idea what had happened to Morgan.
I reached into my boot pocket for my phone, before remembering it had been destroyed.

And I wasn't even wearing boots.
Or anything at all, for that matter.

I flexed the damaged wing, wincing at the slight pain still there.
It looked pretty fine.
The feathers were stained golden around there, but there was no bone showing thankfully.

Although I was surprised I wasn't dead.
In a position like that any demons would've dealt a killing blow gleefully.
Unless someone had stopped them?

Which meant-
But what would've happened to her afterwards? If the angels had arrived that fast then anything could've happened to her.

They could've killed her, or imprisoned her or anything. A lot of angels were quick to make assumptions, so even if she was innocent they wouldn't have cared.

And if she got injured then there'd be no one to care for her.
I didn't even know if she had a long-term home or anything at all.
Any sort of friend-circle to help her or anything.

I- I was actually worried about her.
That was new.

"Lyra are you okay?"Azriel's voice came from behind me.

I was well aware I was naked. I was extremely naked. But angels saw each other naked a lot. It wasn't a big deal most of the time.
I think?
I turned around, arms folded in front of me.

"I'm naked,"I replied cooly, before realising what I'd said. "WAIT no I mean- um. I'm fine, Archangel."
"You aren't wearing anything,"Az laughed back,"And it's nice to see your wing's pretty much okay. It still hurts doesn't it?"
I nodded,"Also where are my clothes? I kind of want to... un-naked."
"Some platypus gave them back to Winter,"Azriel replied, somewhat annoyed.
But Platypus???
"You're saying that there are literally no clothes at all here,"I stated.
"Absoloutely zero,"she confirmed, the edges of her mouth creeping up.

There were no clothes.
Okay w h a t?

"I could take you to my private quarters to get something quickly? if you want, I mean?"She offered.
"Yes please,"I responded instantly.

I was not going all the way home without anything on.

I tried to wrap my wings around myself but it proved impossible to hide my butt.

This was not particularly pleasant.

Az took me out of the healing room, past other wounded angels with pretty painful-looking injuries and down a curving staircase. It was like midday or something, but thankfully the part we were going along wasn't too crowded.
The walking-accessible level parts weren't generally very crowded at all.

They were only really there for visitors, or veterans who'd lost the use of their wings in some way or another.

But they were there, and they were very awkward.
And I definitely couldn't fly and not flash everything simultaneously, so it looked like I was bound to them.

Even if I did, it wouldn't really be a big deal, right?
The gasp of some random guy said otherwise.

"We're here!"Azriel announced after far too long.

She opened the door with a single touch, taking me inside and shutting it noiselessly behind her.

I dropped my wings, taking a look.
I'd been here before, of course, but a lot could've changed.

It was almost exactly like my flat.
Pretty much the same layout, living room, kitchen and everything.
And it looked a lot more homely than you'd generally expect from an archangel.

"Are you ever gonna let me speak to you wife?"I asked, smiling.
"When you're ready,"She replied,"Come to my room and I'll find something that's not armour."

In the hallway I caught a voice- Two voices.
One familiar, the other... kind of but not overly memorable.

"First of all why did I wake up naked-!?"The familiar one yelled
"Ok well not wearing anything helps me sometimes,"The other one replied,"So I thought it might-"
"Gimme my fucking hoodie-"

"Lyra?"Az asked, holding her door open.
"Coming,"I responded, making to follow her.

"I'm leaving,"The first voice declared.
"Wait you don't want to-"

A door slammed open loudly and I froze mid-step.

It was Irinith, and she was carrying the clothes she'd been wearing before.
But she wa-NO DON'T LOOK LYRA.

She wasn't wearing anything at all.

Another demon peeked over her shoulder, looking like she was about to stop her.
She looked chubby, with scarlet skin and deep black hair. Two red horns curled out of the top of her head.

She looked familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on how.

Irinith looked up, apparently noticing me, as her eyes expanded in surprise.
She opened her mouth to say something, but everything stayed deadly silent.

And then, I realised, we were both naked.

Well, shit.

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