"Suit yourself," he placed the umbrella back to his bag and worryingly looked me in the eyes. "You sure?"

I nodded. "I'll be alright."

When a person was about to hold the bar attached on the glass door, Jungwoo quickly assisted her. She flashed him a pure smile and thanked him afterwards. "Enjoy." He said to the woman.

"It's a Friday so we'll close early so you can go home for your next part time job. I'll get going." I announced.

"Going to the bookstore already?" He replied. "Not yet. I'm going to go work with my father at the coffee shop then I will go to the bookstore." I answered, pushing the door open.

"See you, Miss Park!"


When I arrived at our coffee shop, I saw my father attending to customers by the counter. I ambled my way to him as more people entered the room as well. "Dad!" I quietly called out, avoiding any unwanted attention from the people. He waved at me and signaled me to go to the kitchen. Of course, I had to. I needed to change into my working clothes.

I went inside the kitchen, which was just at the back of the counter and greeted my father's employees. There are only four of them actually. Two of them work behind to do all the cooking and brewing of the coffees while the two others and I work in shifts to help father outside. I am assigned with father and the rest are waiters.

"Dad, is it true it's going to rain later?" I asked as I tied the lace of my apron at my back, walking to my father's direction. "I guess so. I never really watch the news." He chuckled. "Same goes to me."

"I'll take it from here." I told my dad, slowly bumping him by the shoulder to nudge him away from his place. He tapped me on my back and smiled. He then went to the kitchen and helped along with the cooking.

"Good Morning, Ma'am. What is your order?" I brightly said. The woman disgustingly eyed me, shooting me cold daggers with her ocean blue eyes.

I was mystified at how pleasant and charming she looked. It's not always everyday I get to see a woman who dresses like the first lady. In the quickest way possible, I scanned her. Basing from her choice of clothes, I could say she's living a comfortable life. I mean, a Versace bag and St. Laurent coat? Damn. Is she really the first lady?

She gracefully looked at the laminated list placed in front of her and skimmed the entire thing, sophisticatedly flipping the paper from back to front. She silently read the words, her eyes moving slowly in a horizontal manner, and finally heaved her chin to me. "I would like a Coffee-Vanilla Frappe. On the go. And can you speed it up a bit? I'm kind of late for work." She demandingly replied. Her voice was unexpectedly hoarse.

"Okay. Just give me your name—" I had to stop. Her eyes seemed like they were burning in hatred. She looked like she had a strong urge to strangle me in front of these people. "I'm sorry. You're in a hurry. Wait aside, Miss." I calmly replied.

I quickly punched in her desired item as my knees began to weaken. What is wrong with you. I announced her the price and she barely said anything. She simply handed me her payment whilst staring at her phone.

I gave her the receipt and change. Still, she didn't bother to look at me again.

Once her frappe was ready, I called her attention. "Excuse me,"

She finally averted her eyes to me but this time it was kind of icier than earlier. I swallowed the lump in my throat with my hands shivering in tremor. What the fuck is your problem. Do you have to hate my face that much?

Without a word, she took the cup out of my hand and exited the room. The loud clacking of her heels was emanating inside the place, which then caused everyone to trail at her movement.

Nevertheless, I continued entertaining the people waiting in line.

"Hi, Sir. What would you like to order?"


"I would like to have Macha Milk Tea topped with crushed Oreos."

He. . . looks suspicious. . .

My mind was starting to be clouded with thoughts because of this man. I know I am not supposed to judge people from how they look like but he appears to be so strange. He was wearing all black. His body was covered with black clothes. He was wearing a jacket and a baseball cap. On top of that he was wearing a mask which covers half of his face I was kind of worried.

"Uhm. . . Excuse me?" He awkwardly said.

Holy shit. Have I been staring at him this whole time?

"Got that." I immediately responded, shaking off the thought. "Name, please?" I nervously held the marker and cup in my hands.

"TY." He answered without hesitations. "Okay. Wait aside for a minute." I gestured him to move to his right. He did so.

As I attend to the following customer, his drink finally was done. I handed it to him, smiling as I feel a little relieved. "Thank you." He slightly nodded his head with a very warm smile painted on his face.

Well, he was nice.



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