Author's Introduction

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Hey guys, it's The AI Writer, again, and I'm here with my fifth story, 'The Rejects'. Wow, I need to stop.

Man I love doing these Author Introductions, it's my one chance to talk to you guys. I mean, I do talk to the people that message me or leave comments, but for those that don't do any of that, this is my one and only chance.

By the way, SPOILERS for those that haven't seen the season finale of Supergirl Season 4.

Anyway, about the story. I really, really, really, really, really, LOVE Red Daughter. She was, no, is the best part of season 4 of Supergirl, at least for me. I was so interested in her story, even before her dedicated episode, that I actually preferred the Supergirl show over the rest of the other shows. I loved her costume, her black wig, her origin story, her personality, and her accent. The Russian accent was so good! It made me want to learn Russian myself, ha. And her personality it was perfect. She wasn't this crazy psychopath that wanted to kill Supergirl, she was honestly a good person that thought that what she was doing was the best thing for the world and her country, but at the same time she was so good at being evil. Her relationship with the little boy was so heart warming and then the father/daughter relationship with Lex Luthor, perfect. It was so good, that it hurt to watch when Lex betrayed her in the end. And the fight scene between Red Daughter and Supergirl, perfect, never have I seen a more exciting arrowverse fight (Except for maybe Zoom vs The Flash, the first one). The monologue between the them was also good. The only two things that I wish had happened was; one, they should have gave her at least one more episode to star in and two, they should have given her a moment where she and Supergirl tag team in a fight against Lex Luthor, you know, before he kills her. 

Man she's only been gone for two days and I already miss her. But then again I can just rewatch the season when it comes out on Netflix, so yay. The magic of television, you never truly die, ha.

Anyway, an old conversation between me and my friend @ToryWorld, gave me this idea to write a book about an evil version of Kara and an evil version of Barry. And since the show just finished giving us the most perfect evil version of Kara, I thought why not use her. I was originally going to use Red Kryptonite Kara instead of Red Daughter, but I changed my mind. Why? Because she is better.

About updating. I'm thinking that I'm going to be writing multiple chapters, and then be posting them in thirds. I won't be doing what I've been doing with 'My Very Own Barry', were I post every single chapter as soon as I'm done with it, I feel like I lose control of the story when I do that. So I'll be posting in groups of three, got it. And please, please, please bare with me guys, I'm writing three books at once so please be patient. I'm really trying hard to work on every single one of them, and I promise you guys, I write everyday. Even if it looks like I have gone dark, I haven't, I'm just working on a different story then the one you are waiting for. I'll be trying my hardest to work on them all evenly, but I'm telling you guys now, I have priorities. My first is 'Superflash-Crisis on Earth X (Volume 2)' and my next one is between this story and 'My Very Own Barry'. Sorry.

Alright, I don't want to keep you guys here any longer, so I'm going to stop here. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to ready my new story and I hope you guys like it. Please don't forget to comment! I love comments!

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