Chapter 24: Celebration

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"Ah-ha, it's okay, Mrs. Jung. You don't need to do anything to thank us. We just wanted to be of help," Chan replied. "And no, they aren't with me today. My other friends and I just managed to pass an exam that we have all been worried about, so we are here to celebrate."

"Well, that is definitely something worth celebrating. I know that school of yours pushes you all hard, but it makes you all turn out to be such nice young men and women, always helping us old folks here in town whenever we need a hand. Follow me and I can take you to your seats. We have room left on the patio."

They all followed her through the front door where they saw more people enjoying delicious food and out a side door onto the patio. She pushed two tables together and then pulled up an extra chair with the assistance of Chan and Woojin who were quick to help her once she started moving stuff around.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick," Jisung said just as everyone was sitting down. Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin were quick to share an evil look among themselves and made sure to leave the only empty seat right next to Minho.

Minho himself wasn't paying too much attention as this was going on because he had gotten his hands on a menu and was in awe at all the enticing food served here. He had never been to a homey, local restaurant like this before, and everything looked so good.

As everyone was ordering drinks, Jisung came back to the table and noticed the only empty seat left. He wouldn't have thought it was on purpose except for the fact that the three that had been picking on him for the past hour were all staring at him with satisfied expressions. Jisung rolled his eyes as he sat down.

He really didn't need their meddling now but didn't complain about it. When he had gone to the bathroom, he had run some water over his face and determined he would stop avoiding Minho because, as he had thought before, Minho hadn't done anything wrong.

In reaction to the movement of Jisung taking the seat beside him, Minho looked up from his menu and made a shocked expression before his face changed to a slight smile that was almost too small to catch.

"Do you know what you are going to get?" he asked Jisung hoping to get an actual response.

"Yeah, the kimchi jjigae here is really good. We usually come here whenever we come into town, and it is always my favorite thing to eat," Jisung replied enthusiastically.

"Ooo, I was looking at the kimchi jjigae. I guess I'll get that too."

For the rest of the night, the two of them kept talking and talking and talking, almost in their own little world as the rest of the team were having a good time around them as well. They would talk about all sorts of random things and both of them would make stupidly random, but funny jokes and then laugh together. It was so refreshing for both of them to be able to just be themselves with someone just as goofy.

Finally, everyone finished eating and they were all trying to figure out what dessert to get when Mrs. Jung came out with a cheesecake that had nine candles placed in the top.

Jisung's eyes lit up so brightly as he made eye contact with the cheesecake to the point that Minho couldn't help but stare at the cute face the younger was making. She moved to set it down on the table, and Chan attempted to object to it since they hadn't ordered it, but Mrs. Jung wasn't having any of it to Jisung's relief.

"Absolute nonsense that you can't accept my gift to all of you. You boys worked hard to do well on your exam, and hard work deserves to be rewarded. It is my treat and a thank you for you and your classmates for always being so gracious with us."

The Gifted Few (Minsung) ~Discontinued~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang