Chapter 2: The Evacuation Begins

Start from the beginning

"Your ok! Thank god!" Dina shouts while she springs from her seat. Loren then follows Dina up next to me, then gives me a hug right after Dina slams her body into me.

"Ouch!" I shout while I quickly slam my elbow down on her back.

"Owww! Why you did you do that!" Dina shouts while she rubs her back on the ground. Loren then walks up to me, and gives me a more soft hug. I Look at the table seeing John, Rein, and Tom all sitting at the table. They are each showing a smile.

"So how bad is your wounds?" Dina asks as she stands up from the ground.

" I luckily only got a few scars." I say while walking towards the table to take my seat.

"At least that's all that happened." Loren says while she takes a seat next to Tom as Dina sits to the right of Loren. As for I take my seat to the left of Rein as John sits between both Rein and Tom with his feat kicked up onto the table.

"So? What are we playing?" I ask while looking at the cards.

"Ah! We are playing garbage!" Tom shouts with excitement.

"Gah, This again?" I say while emphasizing the again part. I remember the last time we played this game. And Well.... I failed pretty badly at this game. So I ended up having to give up five weeks of lunches. How did I make it? Well They where kind enough to give me pieces of their bread. And today was the last day that I had to give up lunches.

Though through more of my failed attempts at stopping this game.We ended up playing the game anyways. And I lost...five more weeks of lunches.... I may be mad, but i'm glad i'm here with these friends, my family.

Six months later...

Today we graduate. After three years of hard core training, we made it to graduation. Currently both myself and some of the trainee corps is currently cleaning and fixing up cannons that have finally been placed here on the wall after a few years of negotiating with the stubborn wall religion.

"Damn this is bad." I say while looking at a jammed Cannon. Every week since the Cannons have been mounted, the Garrison would fire the cannon balls into the horizon. To make sure the Cannons are in top condition.

After a few minuets of tingling with the Cannon. I finally managed to remove the jammed metal ball from the Cannon so that I could clean out all the Gunpowder that has built up in the gears of this thing.

I hear footsteps and the clinging of maneuver gear approach me from behind.

"Whats up?" Loren greets as she kneels down to the left of me. For I am kneeling myself as I clean out the soot from the Cannon.

"Hows it going?" I ask

"John, Dina, and I where curious of which regiment you wanted to join?" Loren asks while looking me in the eye.

"The Survey corps" I say as I stuff my left hand down into the cannon.

"So did that guy's speech sway you?" Loren asks with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"No, this is my own decision." I say as I look at Loren, to only see a dark look on her face. Which shoots guilt into my head.

"Hey! Cheer up now! How about you help me mount the Cannon onto the railing." I say as I stand up to commence operation mount the God damn Cannon.

Loren nods as she moves to the left side of the Cannon as I stand on the right side. I bend over to place my hands in a good gripping position. I look up seeing Loren doing the same.

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