How You Met/ Part 1~ Preference

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This wasn't initially going to be a two-part thing but it's taking too long and I wanted to give it to y'all now. The second part should be here soon! Also, the second part isn't gonna be like a continuation of these stories but it's gonna be the other Starkids! Stay safe and positive, friends!

Joey Richter: It was 2009 and you were working at a coffee shop. Not your ideal job, but you kept reminding yourself that this was just a tiny stepping stone on your path to becoming an environmental scientist. Every Friday these annoying group of college students would come into your shop order like twelve coffees and pastries, make a mess than leave. However, aside from your Friday rush the shop was super quiet. Today was a Friday and you waited for the clock to strike 4:30 when the group of loud kids would storm in and ruin your day. Just as you expected there they were. "Ok so then I said you try acting for once!" A kid with black curly hair shouted and the entire group erupted into laughter. "Who's getting the drinks? I got it last time so" A short girl with mid length brown hair said. "Not me" Everyone said at once. "Fine, I'll go" A tall lanky kid with black hair said as he walked over to you. "Hey, let me guess twelve coffees and a box of 15 donuts?" You said to him while raising an eyebrow. "Ya. I know we're in here all the time. I apologize for them." He said. You could tell he was slightly embarrassed by his very loud friends. You found him really cute and thought he was extremely good looking. "It's ok, I'll get your drinks," You said and turned around to make their coffees. You served the group and once they had left -leaving behind the large mess they had made per usual- You noticed a twenty dollar bill on the counter. You picked it up and underneath it was a post-it note. "Hey, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself earlier but I'm Joey. I hope we could meet up one time maybe just the two of us when you aren't behind a counter serving me coffee?" Underneath was his number.

Jeff Blim: You had just gotten off work from your boring office job. You were walking along the streets of Chicago, when you got a call from your good friend Rachel. "Hey Rachey!" You smiled into your phone. "Hey are you doing anything tonight?" She replied. "Nope I was just gonna be trying to follow Smokey eye tutorials while eating tubs of ice cream, why?" You laughed. "Well I'm in a musical right now and I have an extra ticket would you wanna come see me?" She questioned. You loved watching Rachel in her plays. She and you always supported each other no matter what. "Of course!" Later that night you saw the show. It was a silly play called "Trail To Oregon." While watching the show you kept on being distracted by the man who played the father not only was he an excellent singer and a hilarious person, but he was quite attractive in your opinion. After the show, you went to the stage door. Rachel took you into a theatre. Once you got to a hallway you gave her a huge hug. "You were so funny omg!" "Thanks. I'm gonna go change and we could go for dinner. Just stay here" Rachel went to go change so you waited in the hallway on your phone. "Sorry." A man with ginger hair bumped into you. "No sorry it was my fault I was in your way-" You looked up and realized he was the man from the show. "Oh hey I just saw the show. I'm Y/N, Rachel's friend" You introduced yourself. "Oh the Y/N she's told me so much about you." He replied

Brian Rosenthal: "Failing?" You whined. "That's what the test says Miss Y/L/N!" Your teacher responded not even looking up from her computer screen. "Well, what can I do that would improve my chances of passing." You said. It came out a bit more bitchy than you had hoped. "Get a tutor, but if you fail the next test you won't pass the course." She said matter of factly. As you walked out of your psychology class you were visibly distressed. Everyone told you that you would never become a psychologist. You were too bitchy and too preppy to ever care for anyone else right? "Hey Girl what's up?" Your best friend Meredith said putting an arm around you. "I'm failing! Everyone was right I'm too stupid to ever be good at stuff like this!" You cried. "Hey listen you still have next test and I think I found a tutor for you!" Meredith was too nice to you. "So earlier this year my boyfriend Brian (Y'all I'm aware Mere and Bri were prolly not dating in college but just go with it) wrote a show and someone that was in it -coincidently also named Brian- is like super smart and he says he can tutor you!" You considered it. The idea of getting a tutor was not ideal because you just wanted to do things by yourself but if you failed you knew things would only get worse, so you agreed. A few days later after Meredith had given you Brians number and you arranged a time, he showed up at your dorm. "Hey, nice to finally see you in person!"He smiled when you opened the door. You thought he was cute. The way his brown eyes sparkled and the way his nose crinkled when he smiled. You reviewed with him until late at night. He was funny and wasn't like the other pretentious tutors you'd had in the past. When the study session ended you were kind of distraught as you enjoyed spending time with him so much. As you were walking him out of your dorm you turned to him. "Hey, Brian?" "Yeah" He faced you. "Thanks for um helping me and um maybe um some time we could go out together?" You were usually very confident but you seemed to be a little scared. "I've been waiting for you to ask that all night."

Robert Manion: It was a low point in your life when you met Robert. You were living in LA with your boyfriend of seven years and that day you caught him cheating on you with one of your closest friends. Even though you'd had your suspicions about him for a few years it still hurt like hell. You two shared an apartment so now after you stormed at of your apartment in a rage had nowhere to live. The only way you could describe the sensation you were having as you stormed out was a mixture of rage, sadness and an overwhelming feeling of regret. You didn't know what to do with yourself so you just went to the closest place that you could sit and sort things out, Starbucks. You were red and puffy from crying but you honestly didn't care. You sat down and just sobbed letting all of your emotions out. How could he do this to you, you thought he loved you, you were genuinely considering spending the rest of your life together and- your thoughts were interrupted. "Mam?" A tall man with an Australian accent tapped you. You took a breath and wiped some of the tears off your face. You probably looked crazy with your mascara running down your face. "I'm sorry I probably look dumb, I didn't mean to disturb you, sir." Your voice was shaky and you realized you had been a little inconsiderate to everyone else in the Starbucks. "No, it was no problem at all I just umm saw you over crying and thought you could use this" He handed you a cup of coffee and a cake pop. You smiled. He was quite gorgeous now that you had the chance to look at him. Gorgeous and kind was your first thought. "Thanks that's a really nice thing to do" You sniffled. "Do you want to talk." You nodded. "I'm Y/N" "Robert. That is a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said as he sat down

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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