My alpha

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Virgil's POV
Today has been boring logie was gone for two more hours than normal and I dint like it he's always on time and we always cuddle when he gets home but he isn't home so I can't cuddle and it makes me sad I love Alphas cuddles. I hear the door open and rush down stairs as soon as I see him I run up and hug him smiling ready to go cuddle in bed before I cook dinner but he pushes me off and what he says shocks me "get of me Virgil your so annoying I wish I had a better omega that wasn't so clingy, you know what I'm getting rid of you tomorrow I can't stand you, sleep on the couch tonight don't come in the room or you'll get punished I don't want to see you, you bad fucking omega." I Stand there for a second before noding and start walking to the living room and when I hear ou- I mean his bedroom door slam I start sobbing he called me a bad omega, I don't believe it he's gana get rid of me he doesn't love me anymore. What did I do I wasn't to clingy right was I to annoying was I not a good boy what did I do wrong. I went to bed sobbing and shaking it was cold I had no blanket and I was scared I don't like being alone that's why we always cuddled but I dint have anyone to cuddle I finally drift off not wanting to wake up, not to a mean logie I want my alpha back.
I wake up and look at the clock three o'clock hmm mabey I can make up for being a bad omega. I go to the kitchen and start cooking I make him eggs bacon and some toast with crofters I know he loves that. When it's all done I make me a bowl of cereal I don't deserve what he's having. When I see Logan coming down the stairs I just bow my head and keep eating "salutations Virgil thank you for breakfast" I nod and he looks at me confused " did you not make you any" I shake my head no "what why not you need to eat a good breakfast to" I look down and say "I was a bad omega I don't deserve it." I put my bowl in the sink and walk to the room I might as well pack now so it doesn't inconvenience alpha.
When I walk down stairs with my bag I sit on the couch covering my face with my hands. I don't wana leave I love alpha I love his cuddles and his smarts and how he always knows how to calm me down but he called me bad I know he doesn't love me he thinks I'm annoying and probably can't wait till I'm gone so he can get a different, better omega. I keep sobbing until he comes in the room I hear him gasp and rush over to me pulling me into a hug. I try to get out of it I don't want to be more clingy "honey calm down what is the bag for, are you leaving, why honey, is it me did I do something wrong baby talk to me" I whimper "you t-told me last night that I was a b-bad omega and that you would get r-r-id of me today so I made it easy for you, we can go when ever you want." He looks at me not saying anything I start crying harder he says In a shocked tone "we're are we going honey?" I look at him with tears in my eyes "wherever you're getting rid of me at" he looks at me shocked and says "baby I'm not getting rid of you I love you when did I call you a bad omega?" I feel my breathing hitch "l-last night you came in mean and said mean things I hugged you and you pushed me away you called me clingy and t-told me you were getting rid of me because I'm a-a bad omega" he grabs me tight and says "Oh honey I was drunk your not a bad omega your a good boy your my good boy I would never get rid of you I'm sorry how can I make it up to you" I hug him as tight as I can i ask "c-can we just cuddle I miss you I just want cuddles, please" He nods and stands up he picks me up bridal style saying "let's go in our room we can cuddle all day I'll call my work and tell them I won't be in ok baby it will just be me and you." I nod we spent the whole day cuddling he dint even let me make lunch he spent the whole time whispering I'm sorrys my ear I love him so much he's my alpha I have my alpha back. I fell asleep in our warm bed happy.

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