chapter thirty nine: dinner

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tongue tied. | dinner

"Okay, let's go," Jaehyun said as soon as they arrived at the restaurant without looking all formal. He just put on a shirt and pants, nothing special.

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows at him and pulled him back into the car. Jaehyun looked at him and asked why. The mute raised the blazer he brought for the man if ever he wants to look more formal since the place itself looked pricey.

"Sweetheart, I don't need that. I'm fine being simple."

Taeyong didn't listen to him and just forced him to wear the blazer. He even fixed Jaehyun's messy hair since they were in a rush. Jaehyun sighed after Taeyong fixes his hair, as well as his outfit. They stepped out of the car, hand-in-hand.

'You still need to respect them. I can't also let you go out without looking presentable.'

Jaehyun nodded. They got into the restaurant and escorted by a waiter at the reception. They were led to a table where Jaehyun's parents are seated. Taeyong suddenly felt nervous.

Both of the parents stood up from their chair to greet the couple. The mother seemed nice, she smiled at Taeyong so maybe it was a good sign? But the father seemed too serious. The mute just bowed infront of them while Jaehyun greeted them with a peck on the cheeks.

"Please, seat down! I'm glad you two could join us for dinner," the mother uttered with excitement, "I just ordered and maybe it'll be here after some minutes."

The couple sat down across them. Taeyong pulled off a smile as he noticed his boyfriend's mother looked at him. He tensed on his seat immediately.

"Taeyong, am I right?"

Taeyong nodded. He noticed that Jaehyun's parents looked so young but none of them looked like him. Suddenly, she handed a hand to Taeyong.

"Nice to meet you, dear," his mother said with a smile. Taeyong accepted and shook hands with her, "How are you?"

Before Taeyong could even reply, Jaehyun suddenly talked.

"He's fine. Why are we here, anyway?" Jaehyun asked, making all of the people on the table look at him. The man looked at his father, "What do you want?"

Silence took over the table. A waiter came to stop by and pour their wine glasses some red wine. Although Jaehyun wanted Taeyong to drink water, maybe he should let him explore a bit. Meanwhile, his father just sighed and it was strange that he doesn't look angry or too stern.

"I'm sorry?"

The mother nudged his side with a frown on her face.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened the last time we met. I was just...surprised when I knew that you were, uhm, dating a boy and with the case you were in," he said while he rub his side that hurts.

Jaehyun's frown turned into a small smile. He never heard his father saying sorry to him before this happened. He never asked for an apologize, all he wanted was him to understand. His father put up a smile as well.

"I'm still your son you found infront your doorstep. I just..." Jaehyun looked at Taeyong and held his hand under the table which made the other looked back at him, "...changed a bit because of him."

Taeyong blushed.

"If you're happy with him," his father said and looked at Taeyong, flashing a smile, "Then I won't interfere."

Jaehyun nodded, felt the happiness overflowing. Taeyong could feel it and he was, too, happy for him. He wanted to cry, jump around, hug him and kiss him--but maybe later when they're not infront of his parents.

"Well?" his father asked, making Jaehyun confused. He looked at his son and pointed at Taeyong.

"Introduce your husband."

Jaehyun got surprised, Taeyong as well as. His mother laughed at her husband.

"They're still not married."

"Ah, then fiancee?"

"Dad, stop joking around!"

His father laughed, "Alright. Introduce your one and only."

Both of them are already in their apartment, seating on their bed and already in their pyjamas. They decided to have a small celebration and have a movie marathon. They're currently watching one movie they found interesting in Netflux--atleast one of them is watching.

While Taeyong's the one watching the movie and eating chips, Jaehyun got his head buried on the crook of his boyfriend's neck and his arms wrapped around the small waist.

"This is what I have hoped for," Jaehyun said softly against Taeyong's ear.

The movie was just about to end and Taeyong could probably predict the ending so it doesn't matter if he'll turn the laptop off for Jaehyun. He put the laptop on the sidetable and repositioned them on the bed.

Taeyong pushed himself up against the headboard and pulled Jaehyun closer to him. The mute let the man bury his face against his chest and wrapped Jaehyun's arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck and ruffled his fluffy hair.

"I'm just so happy. I can't put my feelings into words. I'm just...thankful," Jaehyun said, "I didn't expect but I hoped. I don't care if they'll cut ties with me, all I care is for them to accept us."

Taeyong rubbed his back, trying to soothe his boyfriend and kissed Jaehyun's head. Jaehyun looked up at Taeyong.

"You'll still stay with me, right? If...this didn't happen," Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong nodded as he leaned and let their foreheads touch. He smiled sweetly at him and caressed his jaw.

'Even if you're no one, I'll stay by your side.'

Jaehyun couldn't wish for anything better than this. He had his family and they're in good terms, he changed for the better and he has Taeyong.

"I love you, sweetheart, more than you think," Jaehyun said, showing off his dimpled smile.

'I love you too.'

Tongue Tied-JAEYONGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant