Chapter 7: Psychos and Friends

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Walking down the street Kaylin was trying to find the gas station she had seen on her way home from school. Making her way inside Kaylin went to find her sisters the candy she was going to buy for them. Grabbing it and an 'Share size' Skittle for her and a normal size for her sister she paid for it and smiled to herself thinking about why they call it 'Share' instead of 'King' size because everyone knows you don't share candy.
    Finding a shortcut, the girl walked through the park. Moving quickly because she was a little skeptical about being alone. Just before turning on her street she felt something cold touch her side and before she could do anything she heard a voice.
    "Don't move if you would like to keep breathing." The voice was happy but kind of threatening. The person who had threatened the teenager sounded like a girl, Kaylin saw a glimpse of her hair and it seemed to be black.
"Well if I can't move does that mean I have to hold my breath?" She asked being cheeky.
"Oh, shut up!" The girl said making her move forward.
"I'm going to ask a question. Don't shoot me." Kaylin told the person behind her making the girl roll her eyes.
"You have five seconds." The girl said not beating around the bat.
"Who are you, and where are we going?" She asked quickly.
"Move and you'll find out." After about three minutes they walked into an alley.
"This is not creepy at all." Kaylin muttered to herself but the girl behind her heard what she was saying and chuckled. " Who exactly are you?" Kaylin asked knowing she probably wasn't going to get an answer.
"Well you know." The girl turned Kaylin around and the cold thing that was being held against her side was a stapler.
"Lizzie?" The girl smiled and pulled off her wig. "You know you are going to make me look like an idiot with that stapler." Kaylin said raising an eyebrow at her new crazy friend.
"That was my goal!" Lizzie winked jokingly.
"So why exactly did you try to scare the crap out of me, and drag me over here?" Kaylin asked. Just before Lizzie answered her someone jumped out from behind Kaylin and yelled.
"AHHH!" Kaylin and Lizzie both screamed, but Kaylin threw her elbow back and hit the person who was laughing and made him groan. Turning around both girls looked at person who jump scared them and realized they both knew him.
"Freddy?" They asked at the same time. "I need to get normal friends." Kaylin said before rolling her eyes. "Why did you drag me over here?" She asked Lizzie who was taking heavy breaths because she got scared to hell.
"Well I was going to ask if you would like to come over because we are getting a new brother and we would like for you to meet him." She said quickly so nobody would interrupt her.
    "I would love to. Also why didn't you text me or something?" Kaylin asked before walking off.
    "I didn't have your number.... And I don't know where you live, I also thought this would be fun...." Lizzie trailed off making Freddy bust out laughing.
    "Bye psychos." Kaylin left the twins to bug each other. Finally getting back down the street Kaylin felt something sting her in the shoulder and she didn't feel any different until she passed out.

    "Bye psycos." Kaylin left as Lizzie and Freddy started talking and telling each other what happened and then getting riled up and then calming down again. That all happening within a minute, they started walking out of the alley.
    "How did you find me anyway?" Lizzie asked curly haired brother.
"Heard you leaving th-" He was cut off when his sister shushed him. With a confused and shocked look on his face, Freddy followed his sisters gaze. When he got to the target he found someone sticking a tiny needle into the side of his new red haired friends neck and then after about a second she fell to the ground.
"What the hell?" Lizzie whispered next to him. Once both siblings knew that the person that had needled her was gone they both ran/hobbled over to her.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Lizzie and Freddy yelled at Kaylin lightly smacking her face to wake her up. Groggy Kaylin pushed herself up, confused with what happened.
"Wha-what happened?" She asked looking her friends in the eyes trying to see if she could read their expressions.
"Well we scared the living daylights out of you. You are coming over Saturday because we are getting a new brother. Oh yeah, and you just got stabbed with a needle and then passed out then got hit with another needle, the person ran away and then we woke you up." Freddy said getting a smack on the arm for not just going with the 'you got stabbed twice' and saying it as if it were a thing that happened to everybody.
    "You couldn't start with the 'Hey you got stabbed twice and fell on your face'" at. Checking her pockets, Kaylin made sure she still had the candy in her pockets. Yes.

Flight.- Shazam (DISCONTINUED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora