Chapter 6: Neighbors and a Walk

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After dad getting home around four, the three sisters started getting ready.
    "Girls come down!" Their dad yelled after about an hour and a half. Slowly going downstairs, they all gathered by the door. Kaylin had on a white tank top with an army green jacket, blue jeans and light grey converse. Her younger sister Jenna, had the same outfit except pink jacket and pink shoes. The older sister, Grace, had matched with Kaylin except she had on a long sleeve white shirt.
    "Y'all look so cute!" Their mom said as she started walking towards the door.
    "So where are we going tonight?" Jenna asked basically jumping up and down on the spot.
    "Well we were going to go out to eat but, I went to the store today and ran into one of our neighbors and they invited us over for dinner." Their mom smiled, the whole family would have preferred going out instead of to some neighbors house, but they were all going to be nice anyway.

It took about three minutes for all of them to get to their neighbors house because they were all laughing and talking.
    "Hello." They opened the door. The neighbor lady, opened the door and introduced herself. The King girls were quiet and stood there in the awkward silence.
    "Well, you met me earlier today, this is my husband, Micheal. Our daughters," as their mom introduced the girls the girls' dad shook hands with their new neighbor.
    "Grace, Kaylin, and Jenna." Kaylin was the first to say anything or do anything. She stuck out her hand for the older lady to shake.
    "Nice to meet you Mrs.Breyer." Her sisters following her lead.
    "They're shy aren't they?" Mrs.Breyer said smiling at Mrs.King.
    "Definitely, they just need about an hour to warm up to new people."
    "Well, my boys are upstairs and I think they are about you two's age." She said pointing at the older and middle King child. Heading up the stairs together they found the living room. The three sisters got bored and found a stack of cards. Kaylin shuffled the cards and passed them out to play 'war'.

It was about twenty minutes later, the sisters were joking around and they put down the last of their cards Grace had a 'Jack', Jenna 'Queen', and Kaylin 'King'.
    "I win!" Kaylin said loudly laughing. "Good game, losers!" Kaylin laughing and running into a room to get away from her sisters who started chasing her after she won for the second time. Slamming the door and turning to lean on it, she realized she was not in the bathroom but one of the kids room.
    "Do you need something?" One of the two asked.
    "Do you know where the bathroom is? Because this is not it..." Kaylin asked coming up with an example as to why she just ran into their room.
    "Down the hall. Do we know you from somewhere? You look familiar." The other one said. Kaylin realized the two boys she was talking to was the two she messed with earlier and who were jerks at school.
    "No. But aren't you the kid that fell in the hallway today?" she asked pointing to one of the boys a smirk coming onto her face, slowly without either boy noticing it, she opened the door and she locked the open door. Realization dawned onto the boys' face.
    "YOU!" Kaylin knew what was about to happen.
    "Is there a problem?" The girl asked with an innocent look on her face.
    "You tripped me in the hall today when we were going to have a conversation with the cripple." The brothers were saying.
    "Well I'm glad you both have a walnut for a brain but I'm going to but my buckethead to use and get out of here." She said turning and running out of the door and closing it behind her. Kaylin and her two sisters heard a small string of cuss words from behind the door. Grabbing her sisters' hands the three siblings ran down the stairs running into Mr.Breyer.
    "Excuse us. We were just going to go for a walk. It is getting kinda roomy in here." Kaylin said quickly coming up with an excuse. Bypassing the 'man of the house' who had a confused look in his eyes.
    "What did you do this time?" Grace asked rolling at her trouble-drawing sister.
    "Stay here, I'm going to go on a walk. Want any candy?" She asked her sisters before seeing the Breyer brothers run down the stairs. Getting to the door the youngest and oldest siblings both looked at each other before both yelling .
    "M&M's!" Kaylin slammed the door and just as the door closed all the parents walked into the room the two brothers got in the room a second too late to chase after the girl.
    "Where did Kaylin go?" Mrs.King asked.
    "Umm," Jenna told the first thing that came to mind. Going over to her moms ear she put her hand on her shoulder and told.
    "Alright then."
    "She'll be back later." Grace confirmed.

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