Chapter 27 ~ Queen

Start from the beginning

"We had a newborn vampire causing a racket that we had to calm down. I'm here now, and I'm sure Kincaid has managed to hold down the fort in my absence," Atanas replied.

Dvij scrunched up his face, making him look like a grumpy toddler and I struggled to keep a straight face. When his dark eyes flicked to me, I immediately schooled my features, feeling a little guilty. It wasn't his fault his maker had been so cruel as to leave him stuck in the body of a child forever. I imagined it was rather difficult for him, especially as he like any other vampire, would have had needs. Thinking about his lack of sex life had me blushing. Though perhaps he had his ways...

"If you're going to be Queen, you must learn to hide your emotions better, young one," he sniffed, turning on his heel and stomping towards the staircase.

"If I'm to be Queen," I muttered dejectedly.

Atanas chuckled, tugging me in the direction of Dvij, "You are Queen. He's just an arse and he wants this to be over so he can return home. He hates the weather here. Are you ready?"

I wasn't sure exactly what I was meant to be ready for but I nodded anyway. Like Dvij, I wanted this to be over with so I could go home too. Atanas kept my hand firmly in his as we took the stairs up but I could help but look towards the door that led to the dungeons below where the prisoners were. Had they been tortured? Had their screams echoed through the halls as mine had?

Shaking my head, I forced my gaze back to the stairs. I'd ask about what was to be done with them later. If I had to stay here, I'd feel far better if there wasn't a load of quite probably furious vampires locked up beneath our feet...

When we reached the first floor, my eyes widened.

Whoever was in charge of the cleaning deserved a round of applause. While there was still the dark stains of blood on walls and carpets, all bodies and body parts were gone. Yet there was one thing they couldn't get rid of so easily, and gave away the horrors this house had seen; the air was drenched in the putrid smell of death and rot. One thing was for certain, I wouldn't be choosing this place to make home.

My nose scrunched as we passed a room with a wooden door that barely hung on its hinges. The stench that came from it was enough to have me making sure I didn't dare peak inside. I had enough fuel in my memories for nightmares and I didn't need to add to it. But the dark room seemed to call to me, daring me to look inside. My steps faltered, my body twisting away from the door on instinct. My chest constricted and suddenly I'd forgotten how to breathe.

"Eyes on me, Libertas Mea," Atanas growled, making sure I didn't fall into the dark.

His grip was almost painful on my chin as he forced my head up, keeping me facing away from the room that smelt like death.

Silver eyes met blue and I was anchored once more to here and now. I hadn't realised I'd been crying until his thumb swiped away the wet trails tears had left. His fingers were digging into my arm, keeping me focussed and suddenly I felt the urge and aching need to have him. Blue eyes darkened and fangs appeared behind plump lips. Hungry. Just as I began to lean into him, just as I was sure we'd find a room to get lost in eachother until I forgot the horrors of the world, the spell was broken.

Shouting from the end of the hall broke our gaze and my mate growled in frustration. The double doors that lead to the great hall of the house were wide open and chaos seemed to be pouring out from within. Dvij stood in the doorway, but over his head I could make out men and women all arguing at once, their noise so loud I could only make out the occasional word.

"Just like old times," Atanas mused, stopping by Dvij to study the rabble.

Now we were at the door, I could see the whole room was almost crammed full of people. The scent of vampire was heaviest in the air but around Zena, the faster heartbeats signalled mortals, witches most likely. Lachlan stood behind her, his arms folded as he watched the argument with a less than impressed look.

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