"Dusk till Dawn baby,I can't leave you alone when you don't know who was lost today"she half yelled and I stood looking at her like she has lost it

"Thinking of,my opportunity to go near Jaffar,what do you think?"she laughs

"Don't try anything stupid with him,he won't listen to you anyways you already betrayed him once"I replied

"So you still care about old friend,oh this is so dramatic where is my handkerchief"she laughed

"Well you should already know am the kind of lady that gets whatever she wants"she walked past me

I can't believe I dated a lady like her,how did it happened,I can't even figure it out

Mrs Ambode my godmother warned me against her

I missed her so much

I walked to my normal hideout in the school and sat on the floor,I cried my eyes out

I remembered all the good times with her,she was way better than my mom,I could easily relate things with her

I missed her


I was still in the same spot when the new student was walking by

"I'm sorry"yeah I tried to apologise her because I was feeling nostalgic

She didn't stop and I repeated

"I'm sorry"

She stopped and resumed her walk

"Please stop"I tried to end it at once,she halted and I stood up and moved few steps

"What's it"she asked and I could detect she feels unease

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday,you just showed up at the wrong time, I'm sorry"I said trying my best shot at apologizing

"Since yesterday you just realize your mistake "she said

I didn't have the chance to say sorry,I am doing it now"I replied

"Well,I don't keep grudges"

"Are you saying that we are cool?"

"Yeah,we are cool"

"Thank you"i said and she nodded in approval

She left and i sat back for few minutes and went to the bathroom to wash up,I returned to the class and receive the rest of the lesson for the day


The school finally came to an end,I went to my car and drove out of the school to the house

I met Fawzy studying or probably attending to his homework while Fawwaz was busy watching the television,I went straight to my room without acknowledging anybody

I landed on my bed and sighed,I remove my uniform and went to the bathroom,I took a cool shower and I wore my pyjamas

I lay on my bed and I heard a knock at the door

"Come in"I said

Fawzy entered the room,he sat beside me in my bed

"Are you okay?"he asked out of genuine concern

"I'm fine,why are you asking?"

"The way you are acting since morning shows something is off,and I can't just keep quiet"he said throwing his hands in the air

I chuckled"stop making yourself look old"


"You act like an elder brother or a father"I said and took my phone that is beside me

"Since we don't have an elder brother, someone need to take up that role and well for the father part we know father is a busy man and will never and never have the time to ask these questions,so stop avoiding my question and tell me what's wrong with you"he said smirking

I chuckled

"I'm fine"

"No,you are totally not fine"he said dismissively

"Seriously I'm fine"i smiled

"You shouldn't hide anything from me, I'm your twin bro"he said with a funny look and I couldn't help but laugh

"I'm totally fine"I said throwing my hands in the air as a sign of surrender

"Let's go to the sitting room"

"Not in the mood"I turned to the other side of the bed

"Please"he pleased

"Fine, it's not like you are going to leave me alone if I say no"i stood up and wear my slippers

We went downstairs and met mom eating fruit salad

Her legs was crossed and her attention was on the television,she was wearing a short black gown revealing her pairs of toned legs

When will she learn she is not more a teenager

"I will be going to Sewa's house today,her father needs to sign some documents,so we will be going there together"mom said and I pretend she wasn't talking to me

"Fawzan!!"she yelled

"What's it momma"I feigned ignorance

"Don't dare act like you don't know what I am talking about and get inside your room and prepare yourself"she yelled

"I'm not moving a step from this house"I said with a tone of finality

"Are you talking to me?"she asked calmly like she was shocked or whatever

I stood up moving to my room and she pull me back


She gave me a brain resetting slap

"How dare you try to walk out on me,go inside and ready yourself,we are going to Sewa's house"she yelled the last part

"As you can see mom,I am not in any mood to go to my ex house because I am mourning"I yelled back

"Ex?,ex?,so you broke up with Sewa,how dare you?"she yelled like she gonna loose it at any moment

"You never ask me to date her at first,it was my decision and breaking up with her is also my decision"

"Can you stop disturbing me with your ugly talks"Fawwaz yelled, took his phone and left the sitting room while Fawzy was looking at us like a lost puppy

"Make up with her"my mom said with a final tone

"For the sake of your business, business woman?"I asked cocking my brow

"Yes,because that is what that's fetching us our comfort life"she said standing akimbo

"I don't pray for any comfort life that make us forget important people,do you know who was lost three years ago,you can't remember because all you care about is money,today marks the third year you lost your best friend"I yelled and relax a little

"I'm not interested in your little games,I am human with humanity"I went back to my room leaving my mom in state of confusion

What do you think readers??

Getting interesting huh??

Your comments,likes and thoughts is highly appreciated

Till the next chapter hunny bunnies😘😘

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