'Ok so..now what? If i die...does that mean you die as well?' he asked me. 'I don't know..this is a first for me... It might hurt me or it might not..' i said. He fell silent at this, then we realized we got closer to the marine headquarters. I frown, 'don't worry ace...you have nothing to fear, your family will come soon...' i said and then ignored his attempt to try to get more of an explanation from me. He'll find out later. I thought, then we arrived, ace was then brought all the way to were we were going to be killed at. Now i dislike the marines even more but it's not there fault that the celestial dragons ordered this to happen. But they didn't have to listen to that, the marines and pirates are more powerful then them.. But not a lot of people..think about that... sometimes they are powerful...other times..not so much..i let out a sigh, hmm...how should i do this..should i make everyone think I'm a devil or an angel that came to save ace from being killed? Since i am going to be messing with people...i guess angel it is!

I grin in excitement, i can't wait to see their expressions in seeing me and thinking I'm an angel. Now lets imagine those angel wings shall we? So i imagined those wings, i then felt myself have those wings and looked back to see if they came out right. They did, they were a normal white pair of wings. I also imagined a halo above my head, it appeared and i grinned. Luckily their images of angels or devil are the same from my world, what luck i have for that. I will make sure aces allies will survive this war...i swear it...on my soul...i will make sure they all survive, it doesn't mean I'll use that move to get out of ace to fight, i can use my haki and my moves to fight the marines. It does mean though, that i have to split myself in two, i stay here while my other self fights, though I'll have to wait until it starts so nobody notices my other self appearing out of no where.

Oh...here they come! Whitebeard and the rest of them are coming! 'Ace.. Look..whitebeard comes..' i said mentally. Ace looks up and distress appears along with grief, horror, and surprise. Ace...don't feel that way.. They will do anything for family... You are family to them...that doesn't count for me because they don't know me at all...which doesn't bother me as long as you live ace...i smiled sadly, don't worry ace..you will definitely survive this war and whitebeard will too.. Even if i end up dying to do it..I'll continue to fight for your lives... With you by my side, i will do anything, i can do anything or everything. I waited until the time was right to split into two, i sent my other self to fight and to my relief the whitebeards did recognize me, i was doing the same thing i did with blackbeard. They couldn't make out my features but they still remembered me when i saved thatch's life.

So my other self continued to fight and knock out marines and left them to be trampled on to death..i don't kill but I'll make the exception to that one marine guy who killed ace when he protected luffy. I forgot his name.. But his name doesn't matter to me.. I memorized his face abd that's all i need to know who it was and to kill him... Might be hard or it might not.. Since he uses magma and I'm fire.. It might also hurt me too.. Ohh i sense luffy, he's coming! I felt excited when they fell from the air, i grinned happily, that means soon we will be free. That can't keep us caged without any consequences! 'Ace..we will be free soon..' i said and he listened but still said those words to luffy. I grinned, 'luffy isn't going to listen when it comes to your safety ace..' i said to ace again. 'My other self is doing great in battle for the first time!' i said accidentally letting ace hear me. 'Your other self? Does that mean you are the one to save thatch's life?' ace said and asked me.

I fell quiet, woops...i let ace hear me say that and i didn't realize i let him hear me that time..'yes.. I saved thatch's life...this time i spilt myself into two, so i can still be here with you and fight at the same time. I'm trying to protect as many as i can for you...' i said. I felt ace's gratitude, 'thank you..' he said as he bent forward a bit to hide his tears in his eyes. I stayed quiet, i watched as almost everything was the same except, for a few new details..me.. My other self was protecting our allies... No one on whitebeards side has died, though on the marines side, quite a bit have died, or were knocked unconscious. I saw marco fighting against...what was his name again? I think he was called kizaru? Yeah he is called kizaru..well anyway marco is currently fighting him.. I don't see thatch anywhere though...oh wait he's standing next to whitebeard.

Hmm..oh luffy is getting closer... I felt excited, we are going to be free soon! I thought happily, that also means i will show myself soon...i felt gleeful at that, i get to surprise just about everybody here! I grinned, i wish i could take pictures of everybody's faces when i appeared but i don't have a camera, i pout at that. Oh well, maybe next time i could do that... I looked around, oh i didn't realize luffy already used his haki to knock out the weak will people..that means it will happen soon... I waited and then we were finally freed, ace used my flames, then all four of us were escaping, they were fighting and running. I could tell the whitebeard pirates were excited and happy. They started to prepare on leaving as well. They first had to take care of those who got in the way. So close...we are almost there ace! I haven't forgotten you marine...oh no i haven't.. I can't wait to kill you...i will also be my first kill ever in either of my lives that i have lived.

Then he insulted whitebeard, i felt ace's anger, they started fighting, ace got a bit burned but i took the rest into me, i don't fell it to much but it somewhat hurt. I frown, then he charged at luffy who lost his strength again. We moved, ace getting in front of luffy and me exiting out of ace with my wings and halo. I caught the marines magma fist, i was pushed back a bit until i hit ace's back. I felt relived and happy knowing i stoped ace's death. Finally..now i don't have to worry so much anymore. Ace will get stronger after this, if only to help protect his brother and not die. I saw everyone's shock faces, mostly that marine in front of me face. I grinned, "oh? You thought you could kill ace without any consequences did you? How dare you people put the blame of a parents sins on their child who is innocent! For that, i will take your life!" i said, and used my other power to take his life force away and kill him. So the marine who killed ace in the anime was killed and his soul forever gone with what i just used. I turned around and grabbed ace and luffy, then i used my wings to fly to the moby dick.

I had my other self protect the ship earlier when that marine tried to destroy it. "Listen up whitebeard pirates, hurry to your ship and leave!" i said as i continued to fly and the pirates started leaving as well. Just then shanks arrived and stalled them and had the war end. I dropped the boys off on the ship, letting marco who followed me watch them. I made my way over to whitebeard, i brought out that marines life force and put it inside whitebeard, who then instantly felt better. There, i thought, that should give you at least 30 more years to live. I will probably do it again with another despicable enemy. Then i grabbed thatch and flew back to the moby dick and dropped him off next to marco who was still watching ace and luffy. I then had my other self cone back to me before i let myself disappear from everyone's view, i also noticed ace was looking around for me on the inside. 'I'm back..' i said..'welcome back...' he said as he welcomed me home. I grinned, it felt good to be home after leaving fully for the first time after ace ate me..i then waited for the time that i knew would happen soon..that they will meet me until then I'll take a small nap while they were busy on escaping. Then i fell asleep.

Finally finished, 2401 words now, i didn't think i would get that many words on this chapter but I'm happy i did. Well hope you like and enjoy this chapter..until next time..ja ne~!

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