reborn as a devil fruit

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I died...well sh**...I didn't think I would die like that and so soon...I did except to die one of these days but just as I turned 17 years old? D**n...oh well...wait...where the fudge am I at!? I thought and opened my eyes...wait.. Do I still even have eyes? I asked myself since I have no clue what is going on.

Am I a spirit? I thought and looked down...I' a tree...why am I in a tree?...wait a moment..don't tell me...I've been reborn as a fruit!? The h*** man...what did I ever do to you god!?

Ugh...I'm going to live a short life and die by being eaten...not a pleasant thought but oh well... I guess I still get to live a bit longer...just until something or someone eats I waited a few days...wait..what do I look like?

I thought to myself...can I even see what I look like? I thought as I suddenly looking at this orange fruit with flames all around it...wait... I recognize this fruit...isn't it..the flame flame fruit otherwise know as the Mera Mera no Mi?

Well sh**... Does this mean I'm in one piece then? Oh wait that's not what I should be focusing on...ace eats the flame flame fruit...that mean he eats me! Wait er.. I think I worded that wrong...well either way he's going to kill me! Oh well I can live with that..if it is anyone other then ace or sabo then I will burn them to death...does that still sound wrong?

It doesn't feel right for anyone other then ace to eat me because..well you know ace eats the flame flame fruit and uses that power to protect and fight and everything else.

Then sabo only really practically eat the flame flame fruit for ace and probably for the connection it had with his brother...oh old is Ace now?

Will it take years before I am found? I hope not...wait am I the only devil fruit with a conscious or..? Ugh..i don't know right now..maybe I'll find out later? I thought as I suddenly heard walking. I tensed up, then I saw him..ace..

Wait a minute..I'm not ready for this at all! I started panicking.

I realized that he noticed me and started walking! wait..why didn't I have more time? Oh was life no matter how short it was in this once...I pouted, Aw man, I didn't even spend a two months as a fruit before I get to die again...

I felt myself get picked by ace, I saw him look directly in my eyes, though it's not like he could tell that he looked into my eyes...go on ace...just eat me already, might as well anyways, then he walks away with me in his hands, I saw a smile on his going to show me to his crew?

I thought as he started running, excited. Wow hang on there ace, I'm not going anywhere...when he got there, he started talking to his crew that he had at the time..

..I'm not sure if that's everyone...oh well...then he puts me in his month and bit down...huh..I didn't feel anything...oh well...then my body disappeared and I was suddenly.. How should I explain this..?

In...around...I don't ace's body..How did that happen I have no idea.. i thought I would die by It's..somewhat like chakra..I guess...I then focused on the outside of ace, I helped him with control a bit so he probably didn't do as much damage as he probably did the first time after eating the flame flame fruit...

I'll help him out every now and then with control over me, since I can, but he will have to really know how to keep himself fully in control, he will learn sooner of later.

Oh..I can also help protect him! As soon as everyone is asleep I can practice that again! Ah that was supposed to be a secret...oh well..I still get to practice.

Even without ace using my powers, I can still use my powers without him noticing but I'm pretty sure anyone looking at ace with notice something was up.

I wonder how long it took ace to fight against... jinbel? Yeah I think that's his name, eh...I'm probably not going to pay to much attention unless it threatens aces life..or something like that unless it's important or I know it's important..

So I then waited for what felt like an eternity, which in truth was maybe a half a year instead...but I still waited..

Even after ace and jinbel...tied? I don't know but ace fell down seconds after jinbel did but got back up when he heard whitebeard talking.

We used fire fence to block them off from aces crew, I know that weren't going to get hurt, they wanted to make ace apart of their family..or at least whitebeard does and only said anything after whitebeard hits ace after ace charged at him.

I frown and took some of the pain he was feeling into myself, I sometimes do this to help when he's fighting an enemy to protect his crew.

Other then that, I would leave it because it helps him in his decision on getting stronger to protect.

Especially when it comes down to his brothers. After that, they took us back to their ship, the moby dick.

I then moved around a bit to make ace wake up quickly and that indeed happens since ace can feel me especially when I move. I see him glance around and the used observation haki to see or feel those that are all on the ship.

I felt him tense up, I poke at his mind, he then relaxed when he felt me poke.

I do this every now and then to help him calm down. He finds it reassuring to feel me poke at him, because I first started doing so after he ate me and got used to my presence without even know why and he didn't realize just that I was here with him right now..

I'm always with ace, since he did eat me, or my body of a devil fruit of the flame flame fruit...Oh well...I will stick with ace thick through thin.

He dies, then so will I, he lives, I will protect him and those he cares about.

I grin happily, ace..just about..most of the whitebeard pirates except for one or a few are awesome...more so marco and thatch.

Those two are my favorites...well.. I'll see what happens this time...lets save thatch as well!

I can't wait..then I started to feel alseepy, I smiled, knowing I trusted ace with my life...even though I know he doesn't know about me at all.. Oh well, then I let myself fell asleep..still allowing ace to use my power over flames..

Finally finished! I've had this thought in my head for the last few days, i finally did it! Hope you like and enjoy...comment please and until then...ja ne~!

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Reborn in one piece as a devil fruit!?Where stories live. Discover now