A Beautiful Collection

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As a child I was never necessarily scared of the dark as much as what hid in it. The dark figures that ran across the walls and the light footsteps that sent shivers down my spine always kept me from sleep. But now as I lay here, shackles locked around my wrists, I wish I would have been more concerned with physical beings rather then the make-believe.

A light crept through the crack below the door, illuminating the stone walls. My bones ached and I couldn't tell if it was the pain that caused me to see the bright, red liquid that cascaded down the wall or if it was just my cold reality.

I sigh, resting my head against the wet concrete. The air seemed to thicken by the second. I could nearly feel a hand wrapped around my lungs, squeezing until there was no oxygen left inside of my body. I could almost see his dull blue eyes in the darkness. The way they watched me so emotionlessly. They carried a blue hue so dark it was almost as if it were a storm brewing in his eyes. A war, endless and long, torturing and killing everyone in its path.

My eyes scanned the dark, landing on a small rocking chair in the corner. It swayed slightly sending me back in time, to a day long ago.

My grandmothers face softened as she watched me swallow the chocolate chip cookie. The rocking chair she sat in rocked with the small breeze that rushed through the cracked window. The bright ray of light that reflected through the glass glistened her hair into a beautiful silver-like-color.

I hummed along as my grandmother begun to sing. I let my head rest against her thin shoulder, ignoring the pain as her collar bone stabbed into my cheek.

The floor creaked above, knocking me from my short trance. The door knob began to rattle. I quickly choked on a loud sob as a man appeared in the doorway. He smiled down at me and the lines that ran across his cheeks stretched hideously. The stairs shook with every step he took closer to me. "Hello, Ruby." He said, his voice reminding me of charred sandpaper. I pushed myself farther against the wall, attempting to put as much distance between us as possible.

A small scratching sound filled my ears and my hands clawed at my head, trying to shred away the noise.

He glanced toward a wall in the corner and I realized that he could hear it to. From where I sat, it looked like nothing more then a dark abyss, but the look of pride that stood out on this monsters face as he stared at it with such fascination sent shivers up my spine as the noise always brings back memories of the trees scraping against my window at night when I was a child.

I needed to escape. I couldn't stay here. I had a family at home who needed me. I had friends who needed me. Or maybe I was the one who needed them.

My eye once again caught the rocking chair, but this time I noticed something strange. The chair was rocking. It was rocking just like my grandmothers once had when the wind caressed it.

My eyes jerked across all four walls in the room until I found what I was looking for. A small window, barley cracked.

It was far up and their was no way I could reach it without standing on something and even if I did reach it, I may not be able to fit through it.

The rocking chair was the only thing in the room that I could stand on, but the man blocked my path to it.

Of course I could always try to overcome him, but I had no idea what his strength was like.  I could find myself in a situation far worse then this one. Far more dangerous.

But I also had know idea what his plan was. This may be my only chance.

I thought about the sun and how it kissed my skin every Summer. I remembered how the Spring rains washed away all the cold sins of Winter. I relived the memories of Fall and how the orange and red and yellow leaves flooded my yard, creating a masterpiece every year.

I stood up on wobbly legs and as the chains that embraced my wrist jingled, I realized that I was trapped.

There was no escaping without a key. A key that I saw dangling from the mans pant loops.

I just needed to get the key, grab the rocking chair, and climb out the window. It was only three things. I had done far more in my life and I could do this.

Only three things.

His gray hair was combed down neatly and as he approached me he pulled his suit jacket together, buttoning it in the front. "Are you aware of why you are here, Ruby?" He asked, but I was not paying attention to his question. I was solely focused on his steps and how close he needed to be for me to attack.

When he was directly in front of me, he bent down, looking into my eyes. The blue hue in them almost caused me to lose sight of what I was doing, but this could be my only chance and I would not ruin that.

I kicked my foot out, jabbing it into his knee. He stumbled, throwing his hand out to catch himself, but as he fell, my hand was already around the keys hook. I quickly pulled it from his pant loop. The mans hand shot out, gripping my wrist. I pulled, but it was clear he was not going to let go.

A flash of anger spread across his face and I went through with the first thought that came to my mind. I bit him. Blood from his arm poured into my mouth and as he screamed I let go.

I ignored the metallic taste in my mouth as I struggled to put the key in the chains lock. When it was in I quickly turned it and shook the shackles off, just as the man recovered from my assault.

He growled. The noise was inhuman and feral, but it only made me want to escape more.

I grabbed the back of the rocking chair and dragged it across the room, using it as a shield between the man and myself.

I slid it against the wall and began to climb onto it when the man grabbed me by the waist and started dragging me back toward the chains. I lashed my elbow out, driving it into his side. He doubled over and I ran straight for the chair.

I climbed onto it, I reached as high as I could. Tears pricked my eyes as I realized even with the chair, I would not be able to reach the window.

I screamed as the man grabbed my foot and yanked my down. He bent down, grabbing a fistful of my hair. I whimper in pain, making the mistake of attempting to pull away. His free hand cuts through the air, striking my mouth. Blood pools from my lip as a metallic taste caresses my tongue. Tears roll down my cheeks and I cringe away from his next words. "You'll make a beautiful addition to my collection."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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