Chapter 4: Family dinner

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"Look who decided to show up. With a girl on his arm too" I smirked looking back at my younger brother.

"Brother, I've missed your sarcasm" I shook his hand and introduced him to Elise.

"Hello Elise, welcome to the family, but I think you chose the wrong brother" he said playfully winking at her.

She giggled. She actually giggled like a school girl!

"Hi Andrew. Nice meeting you. I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally put a face to the name"

He smiled and took her hand pecking it gently. "If he ever hurts you, let me know. I'd gladly kick his ass for you"

And my sweet assistant giggled again. Was she tipsy or something? I saw Amelia ran to me when she noticed us and she gave me a bear hug.

"You don't visit anymore! I miss you" she then let go of me and looked at Elise talking with Andrew. She pulled her into a hug "I finally have a sister. Better you than that bitch Ashley anyway; I wonder what mother was thinking when she chose her".

"I don't think she was thinking at all to be honest" I grinned looking at Elise.

She tried to hide her smile while I rolled my eyes. Leave it to my sister to be this blunt. I pulled Elise away and saw how happy she looked. It warmed my heart. "You look happy" I said as I lead the way to where my dad was.

"I am actually. It feels nice to be around family... I mean people. I've been on my own for so long, only seeing my parents once in a while."

"What do we have here" my father said smiling "you sure know how to pick them son" he smirked shaking Elise's hand. "Welcome to our family Elise, it's nice meeting the woman who tamed my son"

She burst in laughter at that and shook her head "no one can tame Zachary Walton" she grinned shaking back his hand "I'm happy to meet you sir"

"oh call me Brandon, we're family now"

Elise blushed and nodded. She stood by my dad for a while both talking and laughing from time to time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was full of life and looked so beautiful in that black dress.

"Is it serious this time?" Andrew asked sitting next to me.

"It is yes" I smiled. I didn't want to lie to my own brother, but knowing my mom she would investigate and would get the truth out of him, and we'll get back to the start.

"Well she's different. Actually, she's the only decent woman I ever saw you with" We both chuckled "Even Amy isn't that decent."

"You know there's nothing between Amy and I, she's just a friend."

"Tell that to the press then. They keep posting pictures of you two."

I didn't say anything when I saw my dad and Elise join us under the pergola. An hour went by with us all chatting and laughing, it wasn't weird as I suspected it would be. We all sat the table together, Elise helped my mother with the food and thankfully wasn't under questioning. Dinner went by smoothly. We were at ease together and comfortable with each other. No one suspected a thing.

"Collins... that name rings a bell" my father told Elise.

"My father is Matthew Collins, owner of Collins and co, maybe that's where you know him from?"

"Yes Matthew, I know him well. Is he still in Greece?"

"Yes my parents live there now." They kept chatting about her parents and I couldn't focus anymore. I was seeing a different Elise. Not the hard working girl, not the professional assistant. Instead it was the outgoing Elise, fun and happy.

My family loved her, and I had a feeling it would be hard on me to inform them we broke up a few days later. But I realized that was bound to happen at some point and I didn't want them to like her anymore. I thought they'd just accept her as my girlfriend but they really accepted her in our family already. I felt bad for lying and playing a game that might hurt them. Maybe even break their heart.

I stood up abruptly "Elise, ready to go home?"

They all looked at me as if I've grown another head. "We have to wake up early tomorrow, and it's already late."

Elise stood up and bid everyone good night. I wrapped an arm around her waist and took her to the car opening the door for her. The drive back home was mostly silent. I didn't feel like talking, I felt off for some reason. I parked in front of her building and smiled at her.

"Thank you for today. I think they really believed it. I'll never forget that you helped me, I owe you Elise Collins."

"Yes, we were pretty credible" she smiled opening her door "and thank you. I had fun. Better than the Saturday I had in mind so you don't owe me anything. Well, see you Monday boss".

I watched her as she got inside the building and fought the urge to go after her. What the hell is wrong with me! I groaned and drove away before I do something I'll regret later. Lots of things were running through my head as I drove home. I forgot to ask her about Andy, I needed to know what went down between them. Were they a couple? But Andy was a playboy, worse than me. He used women and then let them down easily breaking their heart.

Andy wasn't someone to be in a relationship, he wasn't that guy. I sighed heavily parking my car and getting inside the elevator. I was going to ask her about it Monday morning. I wasn't going to let it slide like that.

My phone beeped signaling me I received a message. I took it out of my pocket and read the message. It was from William.

WB: Want to hit the ring?

I thought about it and got back into the elevator and pressed the parking button. Fuck it I need to blow out some steam. I felt anger built within me, I was yet to find out why. But for now the ring was the best solution. And hanging out with William always helped when I was in a bad mood.

ZW: I'm on my way.


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