List of Zonid's spells: Part 1

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Here's a bunch of spells Zonid knows and created, and some information about them.

Incinerate - The 1st spell that Zonid ever learnt, and you'll see use, ever, it's a simple spell that shoots multiple large fireballs. Alot of time later, it becomes "Wisps of Incineration."

Seer's Eye spell - This one requires an incantation, and allows the user to see things they are far away from.
"A great magic flows today, with the spell I shall say, a form the pupil has taken, let the Seer's Eye awaken.

Unnamed gender-switching spell - This spell is used by accident and turns someone into a girl or a boy.

Permanent gender-switching spell - Permanent version of the Unnamed gender-switching spell. This spell was accidentally used in the past by Emma on Gen, so now Gen is permanently a girl.

Blue Orb Shield - A shield used by Zonid when attacked, this spell was created by their mother.

Stormzooka - Created by Zonid, turns the wand used into a magic tube with a rocket that when making contact, creates a high amount of electricity around the area.

Unnamed Ice-Shattering Spell - Created by Zonid for the specific purpose of beating Cile, as her ice can only be broken by her or fire.

Nuke Spell - Zonid attempted to use this Spell on Viko after misgendering them, but is convinced not to by Aether.

Stupid Baby Cage Spell - Used on Bully whenever he's being rude.

Aerofeather Spell - A spell that can create wings on the user.

The Wand-Destruction Spell - A spell used by Zonid to stop The Nightmare Army, this spell has an incantation you need to say three times.
"Wilt the Wizardry, Kill the Witchcraft, Unseal the bond of Magic distraughted." After this, the wand will darken, and release a final explosion of magic before disappearing.

And that's only part 1, there are many cool, random, and unknown spells to go!


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