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Shado: C'mon Honey sing the song!

Nova: GAH! B-but it's e-embarrassing to s-sing it in front of other p-people!

Cile: Well, I would like to hear it.

Aether: Me too!

Nova: Okay! GAH! I'll s-sing it!

*Deep breaths*

Nova: I am really special 'cause there's only one of me!
Look at my smile, I'm so damn happy
the people are jealous of me!
When I'm sad and lonely I like to sing this song it cheers me up and shows me that I won't be sad for long!

Zonid: I wonder how he learned to sing this without stuttering or saying "gah.", probably practice.

Nova: Oh oh oh
I'm so happy I can barely breathe!
Baby dogs and sugar frogs and kitten's baby teeth, watch out all you mothers! I'm happy it's hardcore!
Happy as a coupon for a 20 dollar-bore heh heh heh heh I'm really happy, I'm sugar-coated me!
Happy? Good! Anger? Bad! That's my philosophy! *pants*

Shado: You okay Sugar?

Nova: I-I can't do this, m-man, I'm not happy...

Shado: C'mon you can do this. I believe in you.

Nova: Okay...
I-I am really special 'cause there's only one of me!!!
*fake smile* look at my smile! I'm so damn happy the people are jealous of me! *pretending to be a kettle* These are my love handles, and this is my spout but if you tip me over then dad said, "KNOCK YOU OUT!"

Viko: This is getting sad...

Cile: I agree...

Nova: I am special! I am happy! ...I am gonna heave...

Bully: You suck!

Nova: Welcome to my happy world!
Now get your *beep* and LEAVE!

*Levitates Bully through a wall*


*At Sayaka's place*

Aether: Hey, Mr. Fujimori, I'm hungry.

Mr. Fujimori: Hi hungry... *Turns around to reveal him and Aether's mom in wedding clothes*

...I'm Dad.

Aether: Ok, Dad I'm hungry.

Bully: Hey Spaz!

Nova: GAH! W-What do you want?

Bully: I heard you were saying bad stuff about me! So I'm gonna do some bad stuff to you!

Nova: W-Wait, p-please don't h-hurt me!

*As Bully raises his fist, Shado blocks the way*

Bully: Huh? Move out of the way, stupid!

Shado: *grabs Bully's neck* Now, you listen here, buddy.

*Whispers* If you touch a single hair on my Nova's body, so help me J, I'm going to surgically reattach your *beeping* legs, to your *beeping beep *, capiche?

*Traumatised Bully*

And, that's it for the randomness!

Le ol' goodiebye!

The book of Kristal Krew things! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now