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My uncle wrestled with my father as he attempted to shoot the Galactic Believer projecting ABE's voice. Before either one could get the upper hand on the other, a bright white light shot from the black triangle in the sky. The light was so bright, it blinded everything in view for several seconds. Once the light vanished, my mother – who I still held – disintegrated in my arms. Following her, the walls, furniture, and the entire house began to dissolve as if it were being eaten by acid. My uncle and father were too busy wrestling with the gun to even realize that they were absorbed by this dissolving entity. They also ceased to exist. The grass, the dirt, and everything around earth began to dissolve. The Galactic Believers remained. I remained. Not for much longer though, for the Galactic Believers and myself began to disintegrate. Our particles levitated upwards along with other millions of other particles – or atoms –from around the world. We were being absorbed into the triangle in the sky. I did not feel pain or agony. It was a sense of coming home.

ABE had spoken to me through dream-form. The All Being Entity was the way, and I wish my relatives had seen the same truth I had. Whether they know it or not, they have been absorbed into the Galactica Array where their atoms live on. As do I, except with my consciousness intact, for I now join the other Galactic Believers who are under ABE's eternal watchful eye.

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