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Another beautiful cover by Sgt_Pepper1998 😍😍😍


"Don't say a word!"
I warned Benjie as we stormed toward's his waiting D-Max.
"You can bet your arse you're gonna hear about it!"
My eldest Brother fumed, shooting me a lethal glare that almost made me duck.
"But first, let's get away from the ear's!"
Benjie stormed around the front of his car and yanked the driver's side door open.
"I'm gonna go check on Bailey."
I told him, pausing at the front of his car.
"If you know what's good for ya, you'll follow me back to Arian's first!"
Benjie warned, his grip on his door tight.
For fuck sake.
"Keegan'll keep an eye on Bailey."
My Brother stated.
"I'm fucking eighteen, Benjie! Not eight!"
I retorted, clenching my hand's into fist's at my sides.
"I can make my own decisions!"
"Either I can trust ya to drive straight to Arian's!"
My Brother pointed towards my own waiting car.
"Or ya get your arse in my car and I'll get someone else to come pick up yours!"
I could defy him.
Jump in my car and go straight to check on Bailey.
But Benjie would kick my arse for it.
Possibly before I even got the chance to see Bailey.
"I'll come to Arian's!"
I gritted through a tightly clenched jaw.
"And then I'm goin' to see Bailey."
Without replying, Benjie hauled himself up into his driver's seat and slammed the door.
Shooting my Brother and his car a glare, I stormed to my own car.
First I get home to find my Mum drunk at 4:00 in the afternoon.
Then the Cop's are their usual arsehole selves and I find myself with an Assault Charge hanging over my head.
My day is going fucking wonderfully.
Why's Benjie ordering me to follow him to Arian's and not his own house?
Because something's up between him and Leah, but he won't tell any of us what it is.
I slammed my door shut and slipped my key into the ignition.


"What are we supposed to do?"
I stressed, pacing the Kitchen floor.
I didn't want to lump this kind of thing on my Mum.
But Arian's in no state to take the rein's at the moment.
I turned around to face my Mum, my head spinning.
The Cop's don't believe Bailey!
I could totally understand why Zander went and punched the Sergeant.
Looking stressed, Mum ran her hand's over her face.
"I don't know honey."
She whispered, voice sounding pained.
Aren't Adult's meant to be the one's to fix these types of things?
You're an adult now wise guy.
The smart arsed voice in my head retorted.
What idiot decided that turning eighteen magically made you an Adult?
I didn't feel like an Adult.
I felt like a vulnerable Child who needed somebody else to snap their finger's and fix the mess.
Then imagine how your Sister feels.
That same little taunting voice retorted.
"But they have to listen! She's not lying!"
I insisted.
Mum let her hand's down and they slapped against her jeans clad outer thigh's.
"I know honey. We'll talk to the Hospital, get the proof we need."
That was a perfect idea!
Mum shot an anxious glance in the direction of the majority of the bedroom's.
Her room was the only one in the front end of the House.
"Is she asleep, do you know?"
She asked, her eyes flicking back to my face.
"I stayed with her until she was sleeping."
I told her.
I'd thought thing's were bad when Bailey's Mum took off with her.
But having my Sister Home?
It was even more gut wrenching!
Every smile she tried to give, was so obviously forced.
Her eyes were filled with such pain and sadness that just made me want to lash out at anything in my reach.
She was fucking broken and I had no clue about how to fix her.
I'd grown up knowing we couldn't rely on the Cop's to help.
But Bailey had believed she could bare her soul and they would put thing's right.
"Are you okay, honey?"
Swallowing hard, I looked down at my Mum's pain pinched face.
Fresh tear's sparkled in her eyes.
I wanted so badly to be the strong one, but it was getting harder and harder.
How the hell does Arian do it?
His now continually shit faced form flashed in my mind.
Maybe he can't always do it.
Staring over Mum's head, out the Kitchen window at the scrub land that surrounded the new House, I swallowed hard, clenching my hand's into fist's at my sides.
"I want to help her..."
I explained, my voice trembling even to my own ear's.
"But I don't know that I can!"
My emotion's engulfed me and I felt the wretched burning in my throat before a storm of hot tear's filled my eyes.
"Oh Baby..."
My Mum's voice cracked.
I blinked as She wrapped her arm's around me.

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