You Just Need To Get Laid

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Elizabeth MacGyver presently fell out of bed.

"Come on!" Dawn yanked back the covers. "It's Friday! Last day of classes before the weekend!"

Elizabeth slowly opened one eye, and glared at her flatmate and friend from her place on the floor. She had a sneaky suspicion that this was becoming a reoccuring thing. Dawn waking up at unGodly hours and dragging Elizabeth out of bed against her will. (Heh. Dawn. Waking up early....heh.)

"You might have the grades, Liz, but if you refuse to get up in the morning, how do you expect to get a place in an exploratory mission?" Dawn's usual "Waking-Up-Early-Is-Essential-To-Sucess" speech commenced.

"Oh I like to think I'll get onto a starship with my natural charm and charisma," Elizabeth yawned and stretched, hardly thinking about her answer, it was the one she gave every morning.

"Yeah, right." Dawn rolled her eyes and plopped down onto the bed. "Ready for that Astrophysics exam then?"

Elizabeth scoffed at that. She dragged herself off the floor and into the closet to change. "No, I'm never ready. For any exam. Actually," She glanced out the door towards her friend. "I'm never ready for anything at all."

"So dramatic."

"Oh shut it."

Dawn only laughed in response. Elizabeth pulled on her red Cadet's uniform and black boots. She then wandered into her room, in front of her mirror, ready to attack her hair.

"Nice bed head." Dawn commented, she now lay sprawled out onto the bed, already dressed and looking perfect, of course. Her uniform unwrinkled and light brown hair pulled back into a flawless pony tail. Elizabeth glowered and drug a brush through her dirty blonde mess. "Don't judge. I'm a hardcore sleeper."

"I'll say! I had to drag you out of bed to get you up!"

"Isn't there something productive you could be doing?"

"Nope, I'm all ready to face the day!" She shot Elizabeth a smug grin, causing Liz to throw the brush at her. She dodged it with ease.

"I hate you," Elizabeth snarled.

"Nah, you love me."

That was the truth, but of course Elizabeth would never admit that.

Once Dawn left, Elizabeth was free to cram for the Astrophysics test and pull her hair into a loose bun. She also promised herself that she would start getting up earlier, and be more disciplined with her sleeping schedule....although she knew she really wouldn't.


After two morning classes, she met up with Dawn again for lunch. They met where the usually did, an Italian restaurant just off the grounds.

"We need to switch things up!" Elizabeth declared. Slamming her menu onto the table.

Dawn peered over her menu with a questioning gaze. "What?"

"You heard me."

Her brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean we do the same thing every day."

Dawn pursed her lips for a moment. "Did you want to get Mexican on Monday or...?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No. Not what I meant."

Dawn shrugged it off. "You're just getting bored."

"No...I don't think so." She scowered her mind for the right word. "What does it mean when you want something exciting to happen but you don't want to change your way of life?"

"You want my honest opinion?"


"You just need to get laid."

Elizabeth stared at her. "You're joking."

"Not at all. Having an active libido keeps you healthy. You're always studying and what not. You're ansty. Get out. Get some."

Elizabeth felt heat rise to her face. "Forget it." She picked her menu up again.


The rest of the day was a blur, uneventful.

Her Elementary Temporal Mechanics teacher was doing an optional lecture in...what briefing room?

"I've sent the location to all your PADDs," He announced.

She looked down at her PADD. Archer 221-B.

She ignored the message from Dawn. Something about going out this Saturday. Unlikely.


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