I'm Going To Need You To Trust Me Implicitly

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 It was a little over a week later when John finally told her.

Things had been going rather well, things with John at least. She was comfortable with him, and she was beginning to understand how things in his life worked. Of course, he was still a domineering jerk at times, and he hardly ever spoke about himself, but the former didn't bother Elizabeth so much anymore. As for the latter, she figured he would tell her about his mysterious background when he wanted to.

They were at an odd place that was somewhere between a serious relationship and casual sex that, frankly, she found a bit confusing. He wanted her to stay over a great deal, which she was quite happy with, but at the same time there was so much she didn't know about him and he was refusing to divulge. Hell, she still didn't even know what he did for a living, but getting into that just pissed both of them off and led to an argument.

There was another elephant in the room that she could sense, and subtly urging him to address but he never would.

But Elizabeth saw it as fine, for now, because things were pretty damn good, and she figured she would enjoy it before it changed.

So there she was, disengaging the security on his door (because she knew the code now) and letting herself in on a Friday evening, overnight bag slung over her shoulder and groceries in her hand, because John was going to educate her on homemade cooking, apparently. No matter how many times she had told him it was a disaster waiting to happen, he insisted.

Elizabeth was early, and instantly regretted it.

In the kitchen there were voices, John had company, which piqued her curiosity because she was basically the only person who visited him, (which made her wonder about how many friends he actually had). The voices halted, and before she knew it John was bolting out of the kitchen, his great speed startled her, but before she could speak or call out he was on her. His firm hand was clamped over her mouth and he was shoving her back.

Elizabeth panicked, she tried to shout and she tried to pull his hand away but there was no way she could overpower him.

A terrifying memory of John chasing her down the street on a rainy morning flashed through her mind and she was struck with the idea that she had made a grave mistake in ever coming back to this place, book with a message in the front or not.

"Shh, Elizabeth, shh." John whispered in her ear, she was backed against the closet door now, because apparently John had a coat closet near his front door, how had she not noticed it before? Elizabeth shook her head frantically and tried to jerk out of his grip, he held her tighter.

This time his voice was still a whisper but it was firm and authoritative. "Elizabeth, I'm going to need you to trust me implicitly."

Her body went slack, but she was still wary of him and his intentions. John opened the closet door and pushed her in, and before she had the chance to freak out again he was speaking once more.

"Do not make any movements or any noise until I come get you, do you understand?"

Elizabeth couldn't have said anything if she wanted to, he was still covering her mouth with a deathly grip, so she nodded.

"Good," He hastily kissed her forehead, then he let her go. The closet door slid shut behind him and then she heard it lock.

Elizabeth was trapped in pitch-black darkness, completley at John's mercy.

Oddly enough, that thought calmed her, though it probably should have frightened her more. Faintly she could make out the outlines of a few of his jackets and coats. Her bag and the groceries were on the floor, she moved them over with her shoe until they were by the wall.

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