Buckets Of Kittens And Roses

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This chapter is dedicated to the memory of the lovely, talented, and overall fantastic Anton Yelchin, who was taken from us far too soon.

"Do you think it's weird how we never considered going anywhere else for lunch?" Dawn asked curiously over her menu.

Elizabeth shook her head. "No. Consistency is a good thing. Coming here every day for lunch is what kept me stable for those four years, ya know?"

They were already speaking about their time at the academy in the past tense, like it was years in the future and not just their last day.

"Are you sure? I distinctly recall you saying you were bored with it a few months ago."

Elizabeth cringed inwardly, halfway wishing she had stayed bored.

"Then of course," Dawn continued. "You met John and you became incredibly happy and you actually got laid like I told you you should--"

"Dawn," Elizabeth cut her off, her tone a warning. "Stop it."

"Look," Dawn sighed, throwing her menu down on the table. "I know we just finished our last exams, and therefore our Starfleet Academy careers, and we should be celebrating but I can't help it. It's been gnawing away at you for over a week, and I hate watching that happen."

"I am not going to justify my argument to you again, Dawn. It's not your place to tell me how to deal with my relationships."

"I know, I know, but clearly you aren't happy."

"I'll get over it," Elizabeth said defiantly.

"There's no doubt in my mind that you would, but he had a point and you know it. You don't need to get over it yet. I'm sorry but I just don't see why you can't spend the time you have left with him."

"You guys keep acting like I'm dying or something! I'm just going into space!" Elizabeth shouted, and Dawn narrowed her eyes at her. Shit, now she was yelling at Dawn, the most kind and gentle person in the world

Elizabeth pressed her lips together in a hard line and stared at the yellow daisies in the middle of the table.

"Lizzie?" Dawn asked gently, hesitantly reaching for her friend's hand. Elizabeth unclenched her fist and let Dawn intertwine their fingers, Elizabeth stared at their hands and found herself desperately wishing that it wasn't Dawn who was sitting across from her.

"You know how you talk in your sleep sometimes?"

"Oh, God," Elizabeth scoffed. "Don't remind me."

"You've..." Dawn shifted nervously in her seat and ran her thumb over the back of Elizabeth's hand. "You've been saying his name--"

"Jesus Christ, that's pathetic." Elizabeth said under her breath, instinctively squeezing Dawn's hand.

"And you've been crying when you think I'm not looking, you're not eating...and I'm just worried about you."

Elizabeth looked up at Dawn, who looked on the edge of tears. That's what was amazing about Dawn. Her empathy. No one else in the world was capable of caring for and understanding

others the way Dawn did.

"Oh, Dawn, please don't cry. When you think about it, this is the best week of my life," Elizabeth said lightly, trying to brighten her mood. "I passed all my courses, we're about to graduate, we both survived that Astrophysics exam..."

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