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Tris p.o.v

A month has happens over the last could of week ... but today is the first day that Tobias goes back to work and I'm a little nervous but is all I know I have to show support .
" ok baby  I have to go " Toby yells from the door
" ok ok I will be there" I ran to the door
" please be safe baby I love you " I kissed him
" don't worry baby I will be perfectly fine " then he gave me a kiss , then he kneeled down and put his face near my belly " and you be good to mommy " he kissed it and then walked out the door,so I closed the door and sat on the couch to have quiet time before the twins wake up .

Uriah p.o.v

" honey please come here " I hear Marlene call out ,so I walk into the kitchen and seen her leaning against the cupboards holding her stomach with water around her on the floor. I drop my stuff and ran to her side " babe are you ok " she gave me a side glare " do I look find ... get me to a hospital now " I nodded my head picked her up and ran her to my car.
As we drove to the hospital she go the biggest contraction so she grabbed my have and it started to turn blue but I knew she was is so much more pain.

Tris p.o.v

I went up stairs to wake up the twin when my phone started to ring.
" tris me and Marlene are on our way to the hospital can you please call Zeke and Zane" I nodded my head and said " sure brother we will be there soon good luck "
" thanks sister "I hung up the phone and two way called power out zeke and Zane
" hey sis what's up" Zane said " yeah little sis" of course Zeke has to imply that I'm thae little one
" Uriah and Marlene are going to the hospital to have there baby so I will meet you guys there " I said
" yeah of course see you soon " they said so I got up and woke up Harper because she the easiest then i get her dress in just a light onesie and put her in her car seat then I go and wake up kasper and he just cries and cries but once I get him dress and feed he ok . After I get the twins done I go and get my self ready so I put on leggings because I'm starting to get a little bump and my jeans are to small then I put on a white shirt that says " I'm a cool mom " and I grab a pair of flats.

Luke's p.o.v (tris parents

My wife just got a call from Uriah and now she freaking out and running around and getting stuff ready so I got and pick up embrya and put her in her seat in the car then went to get my wife

Uriah p.o.v
Once we get into our room the doctor told mar to put on her gown , so she did the she checked and we have to be 10 cm but we are only 4.
Soon my brother come in and then tris and her two kids and we just waited.

Tobias p.o.v

As I got to the office everyone what happy even my partner frank .
" man I'm so glad you back " he pulled me into a bro hug
" me to " as I said that out captain came out
" four and frank you guys are going to be to highway patrol " we nodded got our guns and badges .
As we where just driving around I got a text form tris say Uriah and Marlene are going into labour so I told her I who be there after I was done my shift.

As a guy passed he was going about 140 when the speed limit is 100 so we turned on our light and pulled him over as I got out of the car I walked up to him window.
" sir do you know how fast you where going" he looked at the whites of his eye where a bright red.
" no officer sorry"
" have you had any narcotics lately " he shook is head
" can I get your license and registration " he handed me his papers and I when to do a check on him.
" frank can you go and check if he is high " I asked and I check his car out
" yeah " he got out.
I found out then he has been stop over 10 time for being high then lost his license but got them back. So I got out of the car and fank walked over to me
" he has 2.08 of alcohol but the narcotics is not working" I looked at him
" well that dose not matter his is getting his license and car taken away.

" sir can you step out of the vehicle " he got out
" I'm arresting you for being high and over the limit of having alcohol in you system" he nodded his head
" sorry office I promise it won't happen again "
" I know " he put his head down
" you have the right to remain silent you can and will have the right to and attorney " I put the cuffs on him and put him in the back for the cop car.

Tris p.o.v

We have been here all morning and nothing has happened and the twins are getting fussy so I decided to take them home for a nap and freeding .
" ok bro I'm gonna get these two home there get grumpy but I will be back"
" sure sis see you later " I gave him and mar a hug


Oh my god I'm back .. I have been so exhausted with my practicum and everything but I'm graduating and finally almost done my practicum here's a shot chapter love you all !!!!!!

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