The Prison Dare

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June 19, 2019

Today we interview our very own author Paris Jade (modern-day-grimm) of "The Prison Dare"

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Today we interview our very own author Paris Jade (modern-day-grimm) of "The Prison Dare"


The Interview

MG: How did you come up with the book?

Paris Jade: I was in the 7th grade and I had made up the characters first and I had decided to put them in a story. I actually had MULTIPLE versions of it and the only person who has ever read them all is Nicolas lol. 

MG: What was the most difficult thing for you to write in the book?

Paris Jade: The ending and the action scenes. Due to the fact of how much I would change the book through out the years the ending was the hardest part to make perfect and I never knew how to get to my ending. The way I wrote my book I would figure out my beginning and then get my ending and just write my way to the end which at times was really hard. 

MG: Was there any certain inspiration for the book?

Paris Jade: It was so long ago that I came up with this story that I can't quite remember. I mean it really came out of no where. 

MG: What was your favorite thing about the book?

Paris Jade: My favorite part about the book was Sarah. She is my favorite character and I loved creating and bringing her to life. The relationship she shared with Nick was very special to me. 

MG: Do you go back and edit often before publishing anything?

Paris Jade: Absolutely. I go back and read everything and then I have Nicolas go and read things before publishing. 

MG: Where is the best place you get your ideas from?

Paris Jade: I like to sit outside on my porch sometimes when it rains and just think. Sometimes my best ideas come from just sitting in complete silence in my room. Letting my mind run until I can come up with something

End of Interview

Make sure to go read The Prison Dare if you haven't already!

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