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   The battle was over and most of the wounded were healed, courtesy of Jin. Jimin and his army were victorious and surely the students would remember him for many years and tell their stories about him.

   Jimin walked Selena away from the crowd of students. "Are you sure you can't stay with us any longer?" He asks her.

   "I'm afraid not. I was only allowed to come and help you." She gives him a hug. "Don't worry, we'll still be able to talk. Ah, which reminds me!" Rummaging through her pocket she pulls out a folded letter tied with a golden bow. "This is for you. Read it when you're ready." She hands it to him.

   He takes it. "Who is it from?" He asks.

   "Your family." She answers. "Take care of yourself okay?"

   Jimin nods and gives her one last hug. "Thank you for everything." After that, Jimin left.

   Jin stood there.

   "You know he misses you." Selena says to him. "You're his son."

   "Namjoon told me everything." He says. "I'm not going back."

   Selena looks at him and smiles. "He knows." Her body begins to glow. "He just wanted to scare Namjoon. You know how fathers are." They both chuckle. "He only asks for you to come visit from time to time."

   "You have my word." He nods. "Goodbye Selena."

   She smiles at him and bows. "Goodbye Seokjin." Her body does the same as Sehun and fades away to the heavens in the form of dandelion tufts.

   Jin walks back to the group, making Namjoon and Jimin a little surprised. "Jin???" Namjoon stands. "I-I thought..."

   Jin kisses him. "I'm not going anywhere you won't be." He says.

   The others except Jimin, who's uwuing his heart out, begin to complain about the sight. But his attention goes to the letter in his small hands. On the side, his name was written in beautiful golden cursive letters.

   He shies away from the other members and breaks the red seal that kept the letter closed.


   I'm sorry I never told you about any of the things you found out. It was my mistake.
   At first, I was told we were going to study the anatomy and functions of a mutated body. Later, my partner— Dr. Lee—And I discovered what their true intentions. So I took you with me. Your mother and i had talked about raising a child, yet we never committed to the idea because of the people I worked for. She knew if there was something I wouldn't comply with, they would certainly come after them.
   But I couldn't leave you there. You were a helpless infant, and your power would only be used for the worst of all of mankind.
   I hope you can forgive me for being such a terrible parent. I had hoped your power would remain dormant so that you could enjoy the life of a young man who never had to worry about fitting in.
   Your mother and Jihyun are doing well here with me. We know how much you miss us, but son, it'd hurt more to see you here than living your best life alive. Don't rush your time Jimin, we're not going anywhere. We'll always be here watching you grow.
   So there may be no more secrets between us, I must tell you I knew your birth mother. If you want to know more about her, please keep reading."

   Jimin shuts the letter.

   He didn't want to read the rest of it. He already had an amazing mother who loved him with all of her heart. Kneeling to the ground, he claws at the moist soil until there was a small dip. He placed the letter in it and buries it.

   "Hey Jimin." Namjoon walks to him. "What's wrong?" He asks.

   Jimin stands and smiles. "Nothing."

   Namjoon quirks an eyebrow. "Sehun is going to open portals to the nearest city, we gotta be ready." Holding his hand out he asks, "Shall we?"

   He places his small hand in Namjoon's and nods. "Yes."

{Jimin's POV}

   It's been a couple of days since the academy was destroyed and all of the campus was taken in by many shelters. Turns out, we were in the Jeju province, an island off the coast of of Gwangju, where Hoseok was from. The citizens, including Hoseok's family took us in and treated us.

   Right now, I'm nervously walking down a street in Busan. I came here with Jungkook and dropped him off at his grandmother's before taking a subway to another part of town.

   I turn on a street and enter into a neighborhood. I continue walking until I reach a two-story house, the square building was still so white and spanking new. It felt like I hadn't been here in years. I head up the steps and ring the door bell, anxiously waiting to see if anyone was home.

   I straighten my posture when the door opens.

   "Jimin...?" Mark covers his mouth and tears fall out of his eyes. "Y-You're..."

   "Hi Mark." I smile.

   He quickly gives me a tight hug and cries into my shoulder. "You're alive!!! Jimin!!! You survived that horrible war!!!"

   I pet his head. "Yes I did." I say. "I'm here."

   There was a lot that I had learned attending this academy I had no idea existed. I learned how to cope with what I had lost and appreciate what I had found.

   I felt like all of my life I was on the side where I saw the glass half full. I always read the lines, never in between them. I believed in life, and never believed in the pain of death.

   For years I saw everything in black and white.

   It was like colors were just another thing I never appreciated.

   But now I see each and every color belongs to a certain type of people. Red belongs to those of authority, green to those who are incapable of solving a problem on their own, orange for those who were lost, purple to those who were aware and in control of their own strength. And white, to those who's intentions were never bad and their hearts were pure.

   It was like this Spectrum of colors meant more to me now than it did before.

   I'm happy I met the people I did. I'm glad I found who I really was.

   I'm happy to call myself Park Jimin, type: mutant, class: supernatural.


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