Chapter Three - Must Think of a Ship-Name

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I shut my alarm off as it was ringing in my ear. I looked over to my right and saw that AJ was still peacefully sleeping in her bed.

I am definitely not a morning person, but I wanted to go to the gym early. I'm hoping no one is there. 

I hurried and put a crop-top on with some black leggings. Then I put my favorite tennis-shoes on and went down to the hotel's gym. There was no one there except Paige who was on a treadmill. I got on the one next to her.

She looked at me and said, "Hi, Mia. How was your sleep?" She asked.

"It was fine." I said with a yawn since she mentioned the word sleep. "How was yours?"

"It was lovely. In fact, I woke up to Dean sending me a million messages." She said, giggling.

I chuckled. "Dean really likes you. When you guys were on the phone yesterday, Dean had the biggest smile on his face since he was talking to you. We have to think of a ship-name for you guys!"

I saw her blush. "I really like him, too. I hope we can be together one day."

"Oh, it will happen, Paige."

We continued on the treadmills and decided to get some breakfast together. We went back to our rooms and quickly showered and got dressed, then met eachother in the lobby.

Arriving at Denny's about ten minutes later,  we were sitting down and drinking our coffee and eating our food.

"Paige, can I tell you something?"

"Yes, of course! You can tell me anything."

"So I kind of like Roman." I said. Paige gave me a exciting look. "I can totally see you two together! You would be perfect."

"He tried kissing me yesterday, and we were so close but Randy interrupted everything and pulled me out of the room."

"That douche bag! I feel like punching that bloke right in the face." She said.

"Calm down, Paige. It's fine. I'll get my chance soon." I said. She calmed herself down and gave me a small smile.

"Sorry, I just-" she started to say, but I interrupted. "No, don't be sorry! You were just looking out for me."

"Yeah, thats it. Shall we leave?" She asked. I looked down at our now empty plates and coffee cups. Then I started to dig in my purse for my wallet.

"Mia, what are you doing? I'm paying!" She said, reaching over and taking my purse before I could get my wallet. "Paige, please let me pay."

"Nope. I want to pay." She said, getting her own wallet and leaving a five-dollar bill on the table. We walked up the the register where the cashier was patiently waiting for us to pay.

Once we paid, we got into my car and Paige gave me my purse back.
"I didn't want you to try and get your wallet at the last minute." She said.

"Fine, but next time we go out to eat; I am so paying." I said. We both giggled and made our way back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, I was walking Paige to her hotel.

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight for the Smackdown tapings." Paige said.

"See you later, Paige!" I peeped, giving her a hug as she hugged back.

I was walking back to my hotel when I passed Roman. He walked past me without saying anything. His head was hung low. He didn't seem in a great mood. I turned around and yelled out his name.

It worked. He turned around to look at me, but stayed in the same place he was standing at.

"What?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Listen, about last night.." I started, walking closer to him.

"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled, starting to turn around but I grabbed him by the arm. "Please..."

He turned back to look at me. "You have three minutes to speak."

"Look, I haven't even talked to Randy. I don't like him and I don't understand why he did that. He gave me his number on a piece of paper but I got rid of it. Look, I'm being honest." I said, looking up in his eyes to try and get him to look at me.

And that worked too. His beautiful eyes were looking into mine. He started to slowly lean in, and so did I.

But we didn't kiss. We were being interrupted...again.

And the person who interrupted us this time was my own sister and her boyfriend, Phil or CM Punk, soon to be married couple.

"Ohhhhh Miaaaaaaaa!!!!" AJ said, tilting her head. She had a smile on her face. She walked over to me, hand in hand with Phil. "I'm going to go shopping with Phil, do you guys want to come?" She asked.

"Fine." I said, with a little tone of annoyance in my voice.

This was the second time that me and Roman were so close!

One More Time || Roman Reigns (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora