Riddled Memories (Jason Voorhees x Reader)

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Hello readers!
Sorry for not updating- working on some stuff here!

Wrote for the best boye...
Please enjoy!~


'Ground control to Major Tom-

Ground control to Major Tom-

Take your protein pills and put on your helmet on

Ground control to Major Tom,

Commencing countdown engines on-

Check ignition

and may God's loves be with you'

The lyrics of the David Bowie Classic, Space Oddity boomed through Y/N'S speakers. Her hands were steadily hooked onto the wheel, letting her undying grip take control.

"This is Ground Control to Major Tom, you've really made the grade!"

Y/N smiled while singing along in her truck. Her (short/medium/long) hair flowed in the beautiful daylight as the trees around her clashed together. The girl had not a care in the world, her freedom taking over her mind.

She was happy.

"And the papers want to know what shirts you we- shIT-"

Her attention quickly flickered over to the sign of the fuel. It was going down,

quicker than she had expected.

"Nonono- No!"

The car came to an expecting stop.

Y/N sighed in defeat and grabbed for her phone somewhere lost in her bag. The device was securely placed in her grip, and turned on at her touch.

Atleast, that's what she expected.

"Mm- Fuck!"

The device stayed dead, not coming alive like it should. "Arrghh.."

Y/N slowly decided to give up and accept the awful feeling of defeat trickle in her veins.

'For here,

I am sitting in a tin can.'

The song continued it's lyrics, and slowly provided Y/N motivation again. The feeling of David Bowie's beautiful music gave the female determination.

She let out a sigh, trying to relieve the feeling of unhappiness.

"Welp, let's get amove on shall we?" She invited herself to absolutely nothing. Groaning while getting out the truck, her bag slowly weighed on her back while her feet slowly touched the ground.

Five minutes slowly trickled around, turning into 10. The song Help! by the Beatles replayed over and over in her mind. It slowly started to pain her, hoping she could remove the annoying tune out of her head.

Kicking the ground in anger, she finally gave up walking for help after a good 10 or 12 minutes.

Until her attention grabbed onto the sign she kicked, making the top of it vibrate.

'Camp Crystal Lake'

The sign was old, yes, but it didn't stop Y/N from remembering when it was freshly painted. She also remember the feel and smell of it, too.

Ah yes,

her childhood camp.

The original trip was to see her mother in her new house she recently moved to. Her mother was ranting to her about how she used to go to some camp around the area. But, the young female wasn't listening.

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