One Simple Phone Call

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Days pass. Weeks pass. Three months pass and nothing happens.

Harri goes to his work everyday and I stay home, catching up on everything I've missed. Despite my circumstances, I still want to go to uni and study forensic science.

It's a Tuesday and I'm sitting on the sofa, my laptop on my legs, and I'm studying about how some murderers burn the evidence and how to identify what to look for in a fireplace for said evidence.

It's really good.

Two thirds of the way down,  hear a knock on the door. I check the time. It's too late for the milk deliverey and too early for it to be Harri. Could be the post I suppose. I carefully lift up the hot laptop and place it on the coffee table, I get up and pull up my skinny jeans which had fallen half-way down my butt. I walk cautiously over to the door and peek through the peep-hole. It's Louis and Liam. I gasp and open the door slowly.

"Um, hey guys," I say, half my body behind the door and half out.

"May we come in?" He says grudgingly. "We won't hurt you, we've seen your new partner, he's pretty strong."

"Um, yeah, sure," I say, opening the door and gesturing inside. "What do you guys want?" I ask, closing the door.

"It's about Harry," Liam says, "he's begun to become... insane. He doesn't hunt with us, and his eyes are always red."

"Right, and what do you expect me to do?" I can't do anything, can I?  I'm here, and it's my decision to stay. "It's been three months, if it was really bad you would've come earlier."

"Right, but Harry hasn't been back home in like three weeks, he phoned us up and said he was with Tom and Max and that," Louis says softly, looking at the ground.

"So he left your mini-clan and went and joined a different clan. I left your clan and now I'm here. Why is that such a big deal?" I ask, still not getting the point of all this. I need to study, I can worry about my old partner another time.

"Have you actually been reading the local news?" Liam asks harshly.

"No, I've been too buy studying," I reply calmly, trying not to wind Liam up. Or Louis for that matter.

"So you haven't heard about the multiple murders that could pretty much be turning into a Chesire-based genocide!?" Louis screams.

"No!" I scream back. "I do now though. What do you guys want me to do? I'm a human! I can't tame a vampire," I state, my anger dying down.

"Can you at least talk to him?" Liam pleads.

"How? I deleted his number off my phone, and even if I did call him, he wouldn't pick up."

"I'll give you his phone number right now, and you'll call him right now," Liam says, taking his phone out his pocket and opening his contacts.

"No! I won't!" I argue. Louis' towering body came so close to my shorter body I could see the separate strands in his worn shirt. I look up nervously and see his face looking down at me, his eyes black.

"Are you questioning us?" He (metaphorically) growls.

"Um, yeah. You told me you wouldn't hurt me," I say, trying to convince them.

"We didn't promise," Louis grabs my wrist and puts a tremendous amount of pressure onto it. I yelp in pain.

"Enough, here's your phone," Liam hands me my phone as I blink back tears. My wrist throbs painfully and I can't move it. I use my other hand to hold my phone and my thumb to type in the numbers that Liam is dictating to me.

"Okay," my voice croaks. I nod and recite the numbers to make sure, after getting conformation, I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear. I swallow a few times and I swallow with each ring, trying to calm my nerves. It doesn't work.

My heart beats harder as the phone stops ringing.

"It's been three months," Harry's voice hits my ear and I want to run away from it but I can't. "Where have you been?"

"I've been at my house. Studying. Where have you been?"

"Just at home. My new home."

"Louis and Liam told me about your move," I say through gritted teeth.

"I didn't belong there anymore, so I moved," Harry states simply.

"Fair enough. Found a new mate yet?" I hiss.

"Funnily enough, no. I haven't."

"Not even your pretty little creator bitch?"

"Not even her. I've been seeing her a lot recently though." We're talking, we're actually talking.

"Oh, cool,"  I say, wincing as I move my wrist slightly.

"I'm hungry, gonna go eat something," he says quickly, I hear chucklig in the background.

"Oh, okay. Talk later then. Bye."

"Bye," and with that the line goes dead. I take the phone away from my ear.

"Happy?  I did what you asked, now leave!" I yell.

"Thanks El, you aren't going to regret this. Sorry 'bout your wrist by the way. You better go get that checked out," Louis says whilst running out the door, followed by Liam. He closes the door as he leaves. I throw my phone onto the sofa and rush to the medical cabinet. I turn on the nearest light and look at my wrist. A bone is poking out at an awkward angle and it's already swollen. I wince just looking at it. I open the medical cabinet and take out bandages. I sit down and start making a kind of support system for my wrist. After satisfied with my less-than-satisfactory cast, I get up and call Harri.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asks, "I'm almost done with work, just tell me quickly."

"Louis and Liam came, talked to Harry over the phone, I think Louis broke my wrist," I say quickly.

"Oh my god, El, I'm on my way, hold tight," I nod to myself ad feel a tear run down my cheek, I take a shaky breath in.

"Okay, I'll be here," I whisper.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you t-" my voice cracks and I scream. My wrist is throbbing and has this weird stabbing sensation covering it.

"Oh my god, babe hang tight, I love you," he drops the call. I sit on the floor cradling my wrist and crying out in pain. A few minutes later, Harri returns.

He takes me straight to the hospital.

I do have a broken wrist. It's crackd and some of the bones are completely crushed.

I have to have major surgery.

"I'll never leave you alone again," Harri keeps telling me over and over again.

I fall asleep with him saying that.


Slightly shorter chapter guys, sorry! Probably no update tomorrow, sorry, I have loads of homework to do.

But thanks so much for over 500 reads! It's so awesome!

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