Broken and Reunited

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We had a lovely breakfast, but Harry's secret still haunted me as we walk around town together. I hadn't brought it up again in fear he could lash out at me or something bad. It's common sense not to get on the bad side of your vampiric boyfriend.

We walk hand in hand, our fingers intertwined. He squeezes my hand whenever a guy even glanced at me, and I squeeze his hand back reassuringly and place a light kiss to his cheek each time.

It is strange having the sun beat down on your face and actually feel it again. I don't understand how Harry has been able to cope as a vampire.

"Wanna get a coffee or something at Costa?" Harry asks me, gesturing to the said Café.

"Sure, why not." He pulls me towards it and I giggle as I jog to make up the difference in distance.

"Sit here and tell me what you want. I'll order for you," he says pulling out a chair outside where I gladly sit. I tell him what I want, he nods and walks off to order. I look down at my bare arms and notice small goose bumps rising. A shiver runs up my spine making my shoulders shake vigorously for a few moments. I sigh and start people watching.

After a few minutes of waiting, Harry comes back with the orders in both hands and napkins hanging from his mouth, I giggle as he smiles at me, nearly dropping the napkins. He puts my hot chocolate in front of me, and what looks like a coffee on the chair opposite. He takes the napkins out of his mouth and puts them underneath one of the cups.

"Lovely, damp napkins filled with your saliva," I laugh and he laughs back and winks at me.

"Your mouth was filled with my saliva last night," I cringe.

"When you say it like that it makes it sound disgusting." I kick him lightly underneath the table, but before I could tuck my leg back, Harry hooked my calf with his foot and pulled my leg back to him. I knock his leg and retreat quickly. He chuckles lowly before taking a sip of his coffee. I do the same with my hot chocolate, swallowing slowly. I decide to ask him how long he has been vampiric.

"Um, Harry?"


"How long have you been..." I pause slightly, trying to word it correctly, "turned?" I whisper.

"Oh, have I never told you?" He asks, surprisingly alright with my question.

"No, I-I-I don't remember you saying anything."

"Only five years," he looks down at his coffee.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he shakes, causing his hair to bounce up and down on his head. I nod and look down at my hot chocolate, cupping my fingers around the warm cup. I feel Harry's eyes on me as I keep my head down. I feel his gaze shift slightly, I look up slowly and see Harry looking at something or someone with a look I had never seen him give before. It seems like an apologetic, lustful, regretful look all in one. His eyebrows furrow in concentration or confusion, his eyes dull yet sparkly at the same time. I lift my head more and follow his gaze.

A woman stood there, sparkling and vibrant sea blue eyes, beautiful, tumbling blonde hair and a body any girl would die for. Her face looks angelic yet something about her mouth (which was pressed tightly in a line) seems like she is in deep concentration. I turn back to Harry and see him still staring. I dip my head back to my hot chocolate and take a small, steady sip.

"E-excuse me for a second," Harry whispers quickly before standing up abruptly, nearly causing the hot drinks to spill over the table. I nod again. I watch him carefully. He walks towards her and I see her turn towards him, a massive (to be frank quite sexy) smirk on her face. Harry walks closer to her and she bites her lip, looking up at him and battering her eyelashes. Harry stood there, looking down on her and talking. I watch him intently watching his every move. She steps towards him more, and so did he. She lifts her arm and runs it up his arm, pausing slightly on the bicep. She continues up his arm and hooks his neck and pulls him down towards her and kisses Harry. I watch, my mouth agape. I wait, waiting to see Harry push her away and start yelling at her.

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